Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Worm Link (1)

A Xenoshok that appeared in Animal Attraction

The Xenoshok are one of Max Steel's new enemies introduced on Season 2. It is created when an unknown species of evil Ultralink bonds with an unknown object or creature on Planet Tachyon, possibly bearing a resemblance with a worm. A Xenoshok was first seen on Animal Attraction.


When one of Makino's Evil Ultralinks is unleashed into combat, one of these bonds with an uknown object or being, resulting into a Xenoshok.

TV Show[]

Season 2[]

Animal Attraction[]

The Legend of Ja'em Mk'rah[]

During the invasion on Planet Takion, an unknown subspecies of Ultralinks bonded with an unknown object or creature to create a Xenoshok. The monster knocked down many Takonian soldiers, but was temporarily taken down by Ja'em with a Turbo-charged punch. The creature recovers and attempts to kill Ja'em and Steel, but the Ultralink bonds with him, which results in a large T.U.R.B.O. energy explosion that permanently takes down the Xenoshok.


  • Superhuman Strength: They are stronger than an average person due to their large size.
  • Superhuman Speed: This monster can burrow in and out of the ground to at least the equivalent of twenty MPH.
  • Electrokinesis: This monster is capable of unleashing strong electricity discharges through his antennae or body.


The Xenoshok bears a resemblance with a worm. The creature has a blue and red segmented body with a row of spikes that goes from its head to its tail. Its body also has white V-shaped lines that appear to be sparking, representing his ability of unleashing electric discharges. They have a pair of blue antennas on their heads, four white eyes and many spiky, irregular orange teeth. Their mouths are capable of splitting in four to reveal more orange teeth and more four Ultralinks bearing a resemblance with the Makino Elite Ultralinks.



  • It made a second appearance as a flashback in The Legend of Ja'em Mk'rah, when Ja'em Mk'rah fought, and later with the help of Steel temporarily defeated it.
  • One of these creatures became part of Extroyer's arsenal.
  • It is one of few Ultralinks part of Makino's army that is a giant link.
Characters in Max Steel
Team Turbo Maxwell McGrath and Steel (Max Steel) · Alejandro Villar · Rayne Martinez · C.Y.T.R.O.
N-Tek Alejandro Villar · Commander Forge Ferrus · C.Y.T.R.O. · Commander Parker · Furbo (Furbo's Clones) · Jefferson Smith · Jim McGrath · Katherine "Kat" Ryan · Maxwell McGrath · Molly McGrath · Professor Connors · Rayne Martinez · Roberto "Berto" Martinez · N-Tek Scientists · N-Tek Soldiers · Steel · T.J. · Ven-Ghan
Main Villains Makino · Miles Dread · Morphos · Professor Mortum · Dr. Prometheus Halifax/Terrorax · Extroyer · Toxzon and Fishy · The Elementors (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Ultimate and Mega) · Jason Naught · Evil Ultralinks
Makino's Ultralinks and Megalinks Makino · Avatak · Blast Link · Bone Links · Butch Link (Purple Tweezer Ultralink) · Centipede Links · Chomp Link · Drone Ultralinks · Elementors (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Ultimate, Mega, Earth and Air, Water and Fire, Firestorm Elementor, Metal and Fire and Earth and Water) · Earth Elementor (species) · Extroyer's Ultralink · Fighter Ultralinks · Forge Link (Unnamed Red Ultralink) · Gun Links · Kirby Link (Green Spiny Ultralink) · Lizard Links · Makino Elite Ultralinks · N-Tek Link · Plaztek · Prism Link · Raider Ultralinks · Reaper Links · Rock Links · Spiny Ultralinks · Stealth Ultralinks · Steel · Stinger Ultralinks · Sydney Link (Pink Stealth Ultralink) · Tank Links · Torbolt · Tweezer Ultralinks · X376 · Xenoshok · Zelak
The Nexus Lord Nexus · Cloaked figures · Elementors (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Metal and Fire and Earth and Water) · Nexus Agents · Terrorax · Team Terror (Monstro, Night Howl and Snare)
The The Black Star Council Ragnok (Ragnok's Guana) · Hooded Figure · Ven-Ghan
Other Villains Alien Scientist and assistant · Colonel Jasper F. Castle and his army · Dread Naughts · Vin and Dwayne · Goopanoids (Acid, Green Toxin, Nano, Radioactive and Toxic Bacteria)  · Human Morphos Hybrids · Makino's Clones · Morphos' Clones · Murakami · Robot Zombies · Sewer Monsters · Super Mud · The Ninjas · Toxic Animals · Thieves · Toxic Zombies · Turbofied Dread Naughts
Copper Canyon High School Butch · Copper Canyon High School Coach · Dean · Dr. Thornhill · Jake · Kirby Kowalski · Maxwell McGrath · Sydney Gardner
Others Axel · Commander Kilgore and his army · Copper Canyon Mayor · Copper Squatch · Donnie · Georgina Romero · Hero-Man (Cobrassaurus and Laser-Lass) · Hot Dog Vendor · Jimmy Blaze · Klean Kal · Lewis · Mama Moco · Martin · Max's Old Neighbors · Mortum's nephew · Mr. Jones · THI Workers · Takion Soldiers · The Vendor · Troy's Pet Tiger · Truck Driver · Ty Dimples · Unnamed Blonde Woman
Ultralinks and Megalinks in Max Steel
Drone Ultralinks Gun Links · Lizard Links
Fighter Ultralinks Bone Links · Blue Reaper Link
Makino Elite Ultralinks Prism Link · Xenoshok
Spiny Ultralinks Green Spiny Ultralink (Kirby Link)
Stealth Ultralinks Avatak · Blast Link · Earth Elementor (species) · N-Tek Link · Pink Stealth Ultralink (Sydney Link) · Plaztek · Purple Reaper Link · Tank Links
Stinger Ultralinks Chomp Link · Rock Links
Tweezer Ultralinks Purple Tweezer Ultralink (Butch Link)
The Elementors Air Elementor · Earth Elementor (species) · Fire Elementor · Water Elementor · Earth and Air Elementor · Earth and Water Elementor · Fire and Metal Elementor · Firestorm Elementor · Water and Fire Elementor · Ultimate Elementor · Mega-Elementor
Other Ultralinks Centipede Links · Extroyer's Ultralink · Makino · Raider Ultralinks · Steel · Torbolt · Unnamed Red Ultralink (Forge Link) · X376
Megalinks Metallak/Metal Elementor (Mega-Elementor) · Zelak · Fire and Metal Elementor
Season 2 Characters
N-Tek Maxwell McGrath · Steel · Commander Forge Ferrus · Molly McGrath · Roberto Martinez (C.Y.T.R.O.) · Jefferson Smith · Jim McGrath · Katherine Ryan · Commander Parker · Furbo and clones · T.J. · N-Tek Agents · N-Tek Soldiers · N-Tek Scientists
Villains Miles Dread · Jason Naught · Dread Naughts · Extroyer (Extroyer's Ultralink) · Toxzon · Fishy · Goopanoids (Nano Goopanoids) · Dwayne · Vin · Thieves
Makino and Evil Ultralinks Makino · Metal Elementor (Mega-Elementor · Ultimate Elementor (Fire Elementor, Earth Elementor, Water Elementor and Air Elementor) · Blast Link · Chomp Link · Prism Link · Avatak · Bone Links · Butch Link (Purple Tweezer Ultralink · Centipede Links · Earth Elementors · Forge Link (Unnamed Red Ultralink · Gun Links · Kirby Link (Green Spiny Ultralink · Lizard Links · N-Tek Link · Plaztek · Reaper Links · Rock Links · Sydney Link (Pink Stealth Ultralink) · Tank Links · X376 · Xenoshok
The Black Star Council Ragnok (Ragnok's Guana) · Hooded Figure · Ven-Ghan
Copper Canyon High School Butch · Copper Canyon High School Coach · Dean · Dr. Thornhill · Jake · Kirby Kowalski · Sydney Gardner
Others Axel · Copper Squatch · Jimmy Blaze · Klean Kal · Lewis · Mama Moco · Martin · Mr. Jones · Takion Soldiers · The Vendor · Torbolt