Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki

We need to sink him to the abyss!
—Water Elementor

Water Elementor, also known as X577 Omega Class Bio-Parasitic Subjugation Warrior Ultralink, was one of Max Steel's enemies introduced in Season 1 and one of the Elementors. Alongside with other his brothers and other evil Ultralinks, Water was one of Makino's emissaries on Earth, but ever since their leader perished at the hands of Max, he now works for the highest bidder, such as Professor Mortum or Terrorax. Thanks to the latter, Water and his brothers were introduced to the Nexus legion and they became members of the cult. Water Elementor debuted in Hard Water and is voiced by Brian Drummond.


Early Life[]

Little is known about Water Elementor's past, but he wasn't present during the first invasion of the Ultralinks where Air, Fire and Earth were seen, suggesting that he either escaped or arrived later. He revealed in the episode of his debut that the had a ship built to go back to his home planet, Makino.

Season 1[]

Hard Water[]

In the ocean a whirlpool mysteriously appeared and abducted a tanker's ship that was about to be rescued by Max Steel, but it was stronger than them because there was some kind of living water in that whirlpool. In the training station, Max and Steel fought three robots that represented an Elementor. One was throwing fire (representing Fire Elementor), one that was throwing rocks (representing Earth Elementor), and one that threw water (which was strange since they hadn't fought an Elementor that controlled water).

In a THI facility near the ocean, a tsunami happened. Steel detected the same living water in the tsunami as the one from the whirlpool. The tsunami took the spacecraft with Molly McGrath and few THI Workers. Max and Steel activated their brand new Turbo Mode, Turbo Scuba Mode and went in an underwater cave where they found the one behind all the abductions, another Elementor, this time made out of water.

He told Steel that the Elementors are also Ultralinks like him (Steel). Due to his body being not made of a solid material, Max and Steel had a hard time trying to defeat him. Elementor mentioned to them why he was abducting people and explained that he was doing this to power his spaceship so he could go home. He turned on the machine but eventually Max and Steel managed to defeat him by turning him into stone. He was later taken to N-Tek and was held as a captive.

Elements of Surprise Part One[]

Elements of Surprise Part Two[]

The Truth Hurts[]

X Marks the Spot[]

Split Decisions[]

Pick Your Poison[]

Earth Under Siege Part One[]

Earth Under Siege Part Two[]

Season 2[]

Animated Films[]

The Wrath of Makino[]

Maximum Morphos[]

Water Elementor arrested

Water arrested

Alongside with his brothers, Water was in the top of a building attacking few aerial forces, until Morphos arrived and eventually arrested the four.

After Copper Canyon was entirely transformed into Morphos clones, Dread, through a eloquent speech, invited Water and his brothers, Toxzon and Extroyer to ally with him. At first, the villains thought they were going to have revenge on Max Steel, but after Dread revealed that it actually was on Morphos instead, they stayed confused. Eventually, they teamed-up to fight off Morphos and his clones.

Max and the villains attacking Morphos

The villains attacking Morphos

After defeating Extroyer and Toxzon, Morphos saw the Elementors approaching him and combined Water and Fire's powers. Upon seeing that, Water and Fire immediately fused themselves and started to attack the villain. The villains later on combine all their powers to defeat Morphos, but they ultimately fail.

Eventually, Max, with the help of Dread, managed to revert the mutation of Copper Canyon citizens. After Max won the war against Morphos, Water and his brothers escaped alongside with Extroyer and Toxzon.

Team Turbo[]

The deal with the villains

Alongside with Air, Metal, Fire and Earth, Water Elementor was contacted by Professor Mortum to steal the Connect-Tek technology from one of N-Tek's facilities. At first, Water, alongside with his brothers, were skeptical about Mortum's plans, but after he mentioned that N-Tek's bases were completely unprotected and full of advanced technology ready to be stolen, he agreed to make the deal with the villain.

Eventually, when Max, Rayne and C.Y.T.R.O. arrived on the Ice Box, Mortum saw the group and commanded the Elementors to attack them, knowing that the Connect-Tek could be in that facility. There, Water and his brothers attacked the base and eventually the group found out that the device was exactly in that location. After Team Turbo was created, Water fought against Tempestra (Rayne's alter ego) and C.Y.T.R.O. while Fire would enter on the base and steal the device. After Max saw that Fire had stolen the device, he commands his team to attack him, but they are all defeated. Particularly, La Fiera was knocked down by Earth and later fainted thanks to Water, who launched a water projectile on him.

The Elementors and Toxzon

After they got the device, they started to argue with themselves about who would stay with such power. Eventually, Toxzon found them and knocked down them with a toxic gas. While Max and his team were unconscious, Water and his brothers escaped.

After Max got the Connect-Tek back from Toxzon's hands, he and Team Turbo were cornered by Water and his brothers, and also by Extroyer and Toxzon. Water and Metal fought against Tempestra and C.Y.T.R.O., until Fire, Air and Earth fused themselves and created Firestorm Elementor and kept them busy. Shortly after Extroyer and Toxzon's defeat, Metal and Water fused themselves with Firestorm and created Mega-Elementor. By combining all the powers of Team Turbo, Max's friends managed to defeat the villain and save the day.


Water, alongside with his brothers, appeared on a simulation made by Steel to test Max's new Green T.U.R.B.O. powers.


Powers and Abilities[]

  • Superhuman Strength: Like other bonded Ultralinks, Water is considerably more powerful than an average individual. In Hard Water, Water's was shown to be stronger than Max's Turbo Strength Mode, as he was capable of easily knocking him down with one blown.
  • Superhuman Durability: Water is shown to be highly durable and could not be defeated easily like Fire and Earth Elementors. He is also immune to water pressure.
  • Superhuman Speed: In his liquid form, Water is shown to be extremely fast. Environments such as the ocean also grant extra advantage to Water, as he swim very quickly.
  • Hydrokinesis: His main ability consists in controlling the water. He manifests this on many ways, such as making projectiles out of water, controlling water around him, turn himself into a whirpool of water, and others. As a part of Ultimate Elementor and Mega-Elementor, he can create bubbles and fuse his powers with other elements, such as earthen materials and water to create mud.
    • Liquefaction: By being made out of water, he can transform itself into a puddle of water and quickly travel from one place to another.
  • Underwater Breathing: Because he is made of water, Water can breathe underwater.
  • Terror Energy Generation: After being charged with Terrorax's Terror Energy, Water gets the ability of generating it. This energy made him even stronger, durable and agile.


  • Water Bazooka: In Turbo-Warriors, Water gets a water bazooka made out of Terror Energy and water.


  • Genius Intellect: Alongside with Air and Metal, Water is one of the three smarter Elementors in the group. After he got stranded on Earth, he got parts from other ships to repair his own, proving his intelligence.


  • Clay/Limestone: Water Elementor can get stuck in cement if he is hit in clay and limestone.


Like other Elementors, Water's body is entirely constituted by his respective element. Water has white eyes resembling a lozenge with rounder edges and dark blue spiky teeth. He has a red core with an oval shape. He has a muscular body type, three fingers on both hands and feet and fins on his forearms. He is also the only Elementor to have a tail.


Ruthless and cruel, Water, much like other Ultralinks, resents Steel for betraying their species and loathes humanity, showing no remorse after trying to use humans as living batteries to power his own ship. His initial goal consisted of going back to his homeplanet, but ever since his clash with Max Steel, they became enemies. Like Air, Water is more level-headed and mature than his brothers Earth and Fire, often calling out the former's childish behavior. However, as seen in Hot Water, Water may fight with his brothers over small issues, as he clashed with Fire after a misunderstanding while playing rock paper scissors.



Appearances on other media[]

Animated content[]

Water Elementor is featured on few bonus clips as an antagonist.


Water Elementor was featured in Turbo Takedown as one of the enemies.

Water Elementor was featured in Rise of Elementor as the boss of the second level, Copper Canyon City.

Water Elementor was also featured in Turbo Battlers as a playable character.


Water Elementor's first action figure was Water Blast Elementor, released in the second half of 2013. The toy can shoot water from its mouth and fire a projectile. In the same year, Water gained a basic Turbo Battler.

In 2014, Water gained a 6" action figure, which would be worldwide release. However, it is unknown if it ever hit the shelves due to lack of documentation. A prototype was shown in a toy fair on the same year.


Click here for images of Water Elementor.
Water Elementor's gallery can be seen here.


  • Water is the first Elementor to be the main antagonist in an episode.
  • By the end of Hard Water, Water was turned into stone, but was not revealed, nor shown, how they turned him back to water.
  • Water seems to have a closer relationship to Max and Steel than the other Elementors.
  • He was the only Elementor who didn't had a secret agenda on Dread.


Characters in Max Steel
Team Turbo Maxwell McGrath and Steel (Max Steel) · Alejandro Villar · Rayne Martinez · C.Y.T.R.O.
N-Tek Alejandro Villar · Commander Forge Ferrus · C.Y.T.R.O. · Commander Parker · Furbo (Furbo's Clones) · Jefferson Smith · Jim McGrath · Katherine "Kat" Ryan · Maxwell McGrath · Molly McGrath · Professor Connors · Rayne Martinez · Roberto "Berto" Martinez · N-Tek Scientists · N-Tek Soldiers · Steel · T.J. · Ven-Ghan
Main Villains Makino · Miles Dread · Morphos · Professor Mortum · Dr. Prometheus Halifax/Terrorax · Extroyer · Toxzon and Fishy · The Elementors (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Ultimate and Mega) · Jason Naught · Evil Ultralinks
Makino's Ultralinks and Megalinks Makino · Avatak · Blast Link · Bone Links · Butch Link (Purple Tweezer Ultralink) · Centipede Links · Chomp Link · Drone Ultralinks · Elementors (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Ultimate, Mega, Earth and Air, Water and Fire, Firestorm Elementor, Metal and Fire and Earth and Water) · Earth Elementor (species) · Extroyer's Ultralink · Fighter Ultralinks · Forge Link (Unnamed Red Ultralink) · Gun Links · Kirby Link (Green Spiny Ultralink) · Lizard Links · Makino Elite Ultralinks · N-Tek Link · Plaztek · Prism Link · Raider Ultralinks · Reaper Links · Rock Links · Spiny Ultralinks · Stealth Ultralinks · Steel · Stinger Ultralinks · Sydney Link (Pink Stealth Ultralink) · Tank Links · Torbolt · Tweezer Ultralinks · X376 · Xenoshok · Zelak
The Nexus Lord Nexus · Cloaked figures · Elementors (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Metal and Fire and Earth and Water) · Nexus Agents · Terrorax · Team Terror (Monstro, Night Howl and Snare)
The The Black Star Council Ragnok (Ragnok's Guana) · Hooded Figure · Ven-Ghan
Other Villains Alien Scientist and assistant · Colonel Jasper F. Castle and his army · Dread Naughts · Vin and Dwayne · Goopanoids (Acid, Green Toxin, Nano, Radioactive and Toxic Bacteria)  · Human Morphos Hybrids · Makino's Clones · Morphos' Clones · Murakami · Robot Zombies · Sewer Monsters · Super Mud · The Ninjas · Toxic Animals · Thieves · Toxic Zombies · Turbofied Dread Naughts
Copper Canyon High School Butch · Copper Canyon High School Coach · Dean · Dr. Thornhill · Jake · Kirby Kowalski · Maxwell McGrath · Sydney Gardner
Others Axel · Commander Kilgore and his army · Copper Canyon Mayor · Copper Squatch · Donnie · Georgina Romero · Hero-Man (Cobrassaurus and Laser-Lass) · Hot Dog Vendor · Jimmy Blaze · Klean Kal · Lewis · Mama Moco · Martin · Max's Old Neighbors · Mortum's nephew · Mr. Jones · THI Workers · Takion Soldiers · The Vendor · Troy's Pet Tiger · Truck Driver · Ty Dimples · Unnamed Blonde Woman
Season 1 Characters
N-Tek Maxwell McGrath · Steel · Commander Forge Ferrus · Molly McGrath · Roberto Martinez (C.Y.T.R.O.) · Jefferson Smith · Jim McGrath · Katherine Ryan · Commander Parker · N-Tek Agents · N-Tek Soldiers · N-Tek Scientists
Villains Miles Dread · Jason Naught · Dread Naughts · Extroyer (Extroyer's Ultralink) · Toxzon · Fishy · Goopanoids (Green Toxin, Acid, Toxic Bacteria and Radioactive) · The Elementors (Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Ultimate) · Axel · Centipede Links · Colonel Jasper F. Castle · Colonel Castle's Army · Dwayne · Gun Links · Murakami · Sewer Monsters · Tank Links · The Ninjas · Thieves · Vin
Copper Canyon High School Butch · Dean · Dr. Thornhill · Jake · Kirby Kowalski · Sydney Gardner
Others Cobrassaurus · Hero-Man · Klean Kal ·  · Laser-Lass · Lewis · Martin · Max's old neighbors · Mr. Jones · The Vendor · THI Workers · Toxic Piranhas · Toxic Zombies · Troy's Pet Tiger
Season 2 Characters
N-Tek Maxwell McGrath · Steel · Commander Forge Ferrus · Molly McGrath · Roberto Martinez (C.Y.T.R.O.) · Jefferson Smith · Jim McGrath · Katherine Ryan · Commander Parker · Furbo and clones · T.J. · N-Tek Agents · N-Tek Soldiers · N-Tek Scientists
Villains Miles Dread · Jason Naught · Dread Naughts · Extroyer (Extroyer's Ultralink) · Toxzon · Fishy · Goopanoids (Nano Goopanoids) · Dwayne · Vin · Thieves
Makino and Evil Ultralinks Makino · Metal Elementor (Mega-Elementor · Ultimate Elementor (Fire Elementor, Earth Elementor, Water Elementor and Air Elementor) · Blast Link · Chomp Link · Prism Link · Avatak · Bone Links · Butch Link (Purple Tweezer Ultralink · Centipede Links · Earth Elementors · Forge Link (Unnamed Red Ultralink · Gun Links · Kirby Link (Green Spiny Ultralink · Lizard Links · N-Tek Link · Plaztek · Reaper Links · Rock Links · Sydney Link (Pink Stealth Ultralink) · Tank Links · X376 · Xenoshok
The Black Star Council Ragnok (Ragnok's Guana) · Hooded Figure · Ven-Ghan
Copper Canyon High School Butch · Copper Canyon High School Coach · Dean · Dr. Thornhill · Jake · Kirby Kowalski · Sydney Gardner
Others Axel · Copper Squatch · Jimmy Blaze · Klean Kal · Lewis · Mama Moco · Martin · Mr. Jones · Takion Soldiers · The Vendor · Torbolt