Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki

InsaneMonkey46 InsaneMonkey46 2 January 2015

I messed up,but here is THE FINALE. TURBO NOVA PART 2

EDIT: HOLD EVERYTHING. The jury rigging worked! If you can hold off Episodes 50 and 51 will be up soon.

Welp, I went to the movies on Boxing day and then woke up on Monday thinking it was Sunday so I failed to record "The great Turbo Star caper" and "Turbo Nova part 1". I MAY be able to get them via jury rigging the recorder box to the computer, but if not they won't air again for a few weeks.

For those of you who care not, I DID record the finale so you can see the big reveal

Episode 50 - The Great Turbo Caper

Episode 52 - Turbo Nova part 2!

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InsaneMonkey46 InsaneMonkey46 25 December 2014

Episode 49 - Fugitives!

Episode 49 - Fugitives! - On youtube

Merry Christmas! Have another episode! (Abet missing several seconds at the start cause I was distracted. Hey it's the holidays.)

Featuring: Max teaching humor 101 to Ven Ghan. Ragnok is a cowboy with a cliche accent. ROBOT RIDE ON LIZARD.

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InsaneMonkey46 InsaneMonkey46 25 December 2014

Episode 48 - A Germ of an Idea

Episode 48 - A Germ of an Idea - On youtube:

Features: Dredd being upset N-tek stole his stuff, Mr. Fishy's ghost, Cartoon Biology 101, Max failing said class, candy.

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InsaneMonkey46 InsaneMonkey46 24 December 2014

Last few episodes in english

Hue not a clue who will see this, but I'll be posting that last few episodes of Season 2 in english as they are shown. At the moment I can only post them on Youtube, and I missed the Turbolt episode (who knows when they'll screen it again.) But as long as they don't skip airing on Christmas all the episodes will be up by the weekend.

Episode 47 - Reprogrammed - Max and Steel swap bodies!

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