Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki

Turbo Tiger La Fiera is an action figure based on the character of the same name's Turbo Tiger Mode. It was released on the first half of 2016 under both Connect-Tek and Team Turbo sublines.


"When Ape Extroyer punches, La Fiera activates his tiger claws getting ready to battle!"


La Fiera wears a orange helmet with sharp edges and geometrical details on it. He has a black and light orange lozenge on his forehead region and a yellow visor with black markings beneath it. He has a white piece on the right side of his chest with the logo of Team Turbo and a orange armor beneath. He has a white shoulder pad on his right shoulder and an orange one on his left shoulder, light orange forearm pads and orange gloves. His thighs feature an orange armor with black rips on it and he has black/orange boots. He has twelve points of articulation and comes with four accessories.

He comes with an orange claw that can fit on both of his Connect-Tek ports on his forearms, a tail that can attach to his back or on his hand to act like a whip, and both of his shoulder pads are removable. Like other Connect-Tek figures, La Fiera can hold other weapons from other toys with the ports on his shoulders, forearms, legs and back.


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    The rips on La Fiera's shoulder pads and thigh pads were covered with black alongside with the helmet.

    There are two versions of the illustration of the toy, one being based on the prototype and one based on the final product. The first one featured an oragen lozenge on La Fiera's forehead and the yellow rips on his shoulder pads and thigh pads. It was later corrected to match the actual toy, in which he has a black part on his helmet and black rips.
  • In the Brazilian version of the Official Website, La Fiera was incorrectly listed as "Turbo Tiger Max".



2016 Max Steel Toys
Team Turbo Ape Extroyer ยท Base Mode La Fiera ยท Blaster Max Steel ยท Copter C.Y.T.R.O. ยท Firestorm Elementor ยท Flight Max Steel ยท Max Steel and Motorcycle C.Y.T.R.O. ยท Strength Reveal Max Steel ยท Toxzoid Launch Toxzon ยท Turbo Hammer Claw Max Steel ยท Turbo Prime Max Steel ยท Turbo Tiger La Fiera ยท Turbo Transformation Max Steel ยท Vertical Lift Off Max Steel
Team Turbo Fusion-Tek Death Trap Mortum ยท Eagle La Fiera ยท Eagle La Fiera, Max Steel and C.Y.T.R.O. Vs Toxzon ยท Max Steel Turbo Sword ยท Mega Max Steel ยท Turbo Charged Max Steel ยท Turbo Hunter Max Steel ยท Turbo Max Steel ยท Ultimate Mortum ยท Zombie Hunter Max Steel
Connect-Tek Chemical Counter Max Steel ยท Copter C.Y.T.R.O. ยท Death Trap Mortum ยท Desert Attack Max Steel ยท Dragon Fly Max Steel ยท Eagle La Fiera ยท Eagle La Fiera, Max Steel and C.Y.T.R.O. Vs Toxzon ยท Fire Wing Dread ยท Flight Max Steel ยท Grapple Shot Max Steel ยท Hovercraft Max Steel ยท Mantis Extroyer ยท Mega Max Steel ยท Mega Morphos ยท Ninja Max Steel ยท Roller Blades Max Steel ยท Samurai Max Steel Vs Saber Dread ยท Skate & Blast Max Steel ยท Torpedo Max Steel ยท Transformable Bike Max Steel ยท Turbo Charged Max Steel ยทTurbo Hunter Max Steel ยท Turbo Max Steel ยท Turbo Strike Max Steel ยท Turbo Tiger La Fiera ยท Urban Attack Max Steel ยท Vertical Lift Off Max Steel ยท Zombie Hunter Max Steel
Others/Classic Chemical Counter Max Steel ยท Desert Attack Max Steel ยท Dragon Fly Max Steel ยท Fire Wing Dread ยท Grapple Shot Max Steel ยท Jungle Max Steel ยท Mantis Extroyer ยท Marine Rock Elementor ยท Mega Morphos ยท Ninja Max Steel ยท Samurai Max Steel Vs Saber Dread ยท Skate & Blast Max Steel ยท Spy Attack Max Steel ยท Sword Dread ยท Torpedo Max Steel ยท Transformable Bike Max Steel ยท Tank Makino ยท Turbo Aqua Max Steel ยท Urban Attack Max Steel