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Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Turbo Modes

Turbo Modes are techno-organic suits and transformations used by Maxwell McGrath and Steel to gain advantage over their enemies and new powers such as flight, superspeed and invisibility. They can be only accessed if Steel is linked to Max's chest, and Max has enough T.U.R.B.O. Energy to power them. By shouting the name of the mode, Max's armor will start to glow and form various hexagons that slowly turn into the desired transformation. The first Turbo Mode ever seen was Turbo Base Mode, which debuted in Come Together Part One.

In Dawn of Morphos, Max and Steel learn the Duo Strike technique, which allows them to fuse two Turbo Modes into one new transformation.

In Turbo-Charged, Max is permanently separated from Steel by Terrorax, a masked villain who wanted to exploit the true potential of McGrath's powers. At the same time, Max starts to generate a green-colored variation of his T.U.R.B.O. energy. Steel develops his own technology named as Steel-Tek, including a new set of technological armors for Max and Team Turbo to use. These armors are equipped with Connect-Tek technology, which allows Max and his team to configure and reconfigure their suits to form Turbo Modes and new transformations. Contrary to his past blue-colored modes, Max's new Turbo Modes are completely technological rather than techno-organic. Initially in Turbo-Charged, Max used the Steel-Tek gear to mimic the powers of some of his past modes, such as the Turbo Gauntlets, which were inspired by his Turbo Strength Mode.

List of Turbo Modes[]

A list of the Turbo Modes that Max Steel has used in the series. They are in order of appearance.

Turbo Modes
Image Name Description First Appearance
Max Steel Reboot Turbo Base Turbo Base Mode Also referred to as "Steel Suit", Turbo Base Mode is Max and Steel's very first transformation. It offers enhanced strength, reflexes and agility and amplifies the user's fighting capabilities and senses. It can never be taken off, although Steel can change its look to make it seem like ordinary attire via Turbo Camouflage Mode. Come Together Part One
Max Steel Reboot Turbo Strength Turbo Strength Mode Also referred to as Defense Protocol X795[1], Turbo Strength Mode is Max and Steel's second transformation. Approximately three times than Base Mode, Turbo Strength Mode is used to achieve maximum strength in combat. While it increases Max's power and defense, it decreases his speed and agility. The more energy Max generates, the stronger he gets. He can also enlarge the armor by generating more T.U.R.B.O. energy.[2] Come Together Part One
Max Steel Reboot Maxwell McGrath Turbo Camouflage Mode Max Steel's third transformation. It is used to hide McGrath's secret identity and to blend with other humans. It is able to recreate any fabric, material or texture and offers limited strength, speed and agility. Max's usual attire consists of a blue jacket with a white Steel logo on the chest area, black jeans, white shoes and a watch on his right wrist. Come Together Part Two
Flight Transform 1 tcm422-52089 Turbo Flight Mode Max Steel's fourth transformation. As the name suggests, it gives Max the power of flight, allowing him to travel in the air in high speed. It is able to reach beyond the stratosphere. In the second season, the mode gains a shield on the head for protection. Come Together Part Two
Character profileImage scuba tcm422-149617 Turbo Scuba Mode Max Steel's fifth transformation. Its armor allows Max to adapt to underwater environments, featuring a sleek hydrodynamic design to swim faster in the water. Besides offering enhanced strength, speed and durability underwater, Turbo Scuba Mode's armor is incredibly resistant, being capable of withstanding ocean pressure and extremely cold temperatures. Hard Water
Turbo Super Mode Supermania Turbo Super Mode Max Steel's sixth transformation. Steel created him while he was obsessed over comic books and superheroes, hence the cape and its look. It offers enhanced strength and durability. By saying specific quotes, Max can activate new powers, such as laser vision, extra attack power, flight and hacking. It is rarely used by Max and Steel. Supermania
Max Steel Reboot Turbo Speed Mode Turbo Speed Mode Max and Steel's seventh transformation. Its aerodynamic design allows Max to run at super-sonic speeds. It also enhances his reflexes. However, the suit requires large amounts of T.U.R.B.O. energy in order to function. Elements of Surprise Part Two
Character profileImage stealth tcm422-149619 2 Turbo Stealth Mode Max Steel's eighth transformation. It allows Max to turn invisible, and his feet have shock absorbers that enable him to move in total silence. In turn however, Max's strength and agility are compromised. It is used for infiltration, intelligence gathering and information extraction. Scrambled
Character profileImage cannon tcm422-149622 Turbo Cannon Mode Max Steel's ninth transformation. He is protected by a large and sturdy armor. By charging T.U.R.B.O. energy, Max can launch himself at enemies like a cannonball, dealing large amounts of damage. In the process, he becomes unstoppable and invulnerable. In turn, Turbo Cannon Mode requires vast amounts of T.U.R.B.O. energy in order to function. Split Decisions
Character profileImage clone tcm422-149614 Turbo Clone Mode Max Steel's tenth transformation. It allows Max to replicate himself. It can range from a small group of replicas to a small army. It requires extraordinary concentration on Max's part; losing focus will cause his clones to evaporate. In the second season, Max and Steel learned the ability of cloning themselves while using other modes. Pick Your Poison
Turbo Heat Mode Turbo Heat Mode Max Steel's eleventh transformation. It is a large and bulky mode equipped with arm-mounted cannons, which can fire varied fire blast attacks, ranging from massive Turbofied fireballs to a multi-stream Turbo flamethrower. Max has minimal mobility while using Turbo Heat Mode, and requires vast amounts of concentration and T.U.R.B.O. energy in order to useable. Hot Zone
Turbo Rocket Mode Turbo Rocket Mode Max Steel's twelfth transformation. One of Max's most powerful Turbo Modes, Rocket Mode is equipped with four extremely potent Turbo blasters that allow him to fly, and can be repositioned to be used as cannons. His Turbo Armor is extremely resistant as well, being capable of withstanding the vacuum of space. It requires large amounts of T.U.R.B.O. energy in order to function. Makino Strikes Part Two
Turbo Spike Mode Turbo Spike Mode Max Steel's thirteenth transformation. Max gains a pair of arm-mounted whips with spike on their tips. These whips have multiple uses, with Max being able to pierce through the enemy with them, or travel from one place to another via swinging. By charging the mode with more T.U.R.B.O. energy, Max can enhance his strength and can augment the spikes protruding from his armor. His defensive properties are greatly decreased. Definitely Fear the Reaper
Turbo Nova Mode closeup Turbo Nova Mode Max Steel's fourteenth transformation. Max is armed with three Turbo Blasters capable of shooting powerful T.U.R.B.O. energy bursts. The mode's armor is highly durable, as according to Jim McGrath, it is meant to be able to explore black holes, the center of stars (though we see its visor begin to crack when near the sun), and the outer reaches of space. It can be seen moving with ease while close to the Sun despite it's gravity, and is also capable of traveling at extremely high speeds, being seen flying to the Sun from Earth's atmosphere and returning in the same day.[3] The Wrath of Makino
Turbo Annihilation Mode Turbo Annihilation Mode Max and Makino's first transformation. It is a giant-sized mode that Makino created while under possession of Maxwell. It has enhanced strength and durability, being capable of withstanding multiple attacks of Jim's modes, and can launch energy rays through its fists. The Wrath of Makino
Turbo Titan Mode 2 Turbo Titan Mode Max Steel's fifteenth transformation. Max becomes a giant and is has a pair of floating blades on his back that can work as swords. It was created to match Makino's second version of Turbo Annihilation Mode. The Wrath of Makino
Spike Cannon Turbo Cannon Spike Mode Max Steel's sixteenth transformation and the first mode created via the Duo Strike technique. Max is equipped with arm-mounted spike whips that can latch onto enemies or be used to swing from one place or another. He can also Turbo Charge and shoot himself at enemies, and shoot spikes from his armor. Dawn of Morphos
Turbo Hydro Heat Mode Turbo Hydro Heat Mode Max Steel's seventeenth transformation and the second mode created via the Duo Strike technique. Max has cannons for hands, with one being able to shoot fire and the other being able to shoot water. When used at the same time, it can generate steam. Maximum Morphos
Max-turbo-sticker Turbo Sonic Flight Mode Max Steel's eighteenth transformation and the third mode created via the Duo Strike technique. He has four wings on his back that allows him to fly in super-sonic speed, and he can shoot sonic waves from the sound emitters on his armor. Maximum Morphos
Turbo Exo Strength Mode Turbo Exo Strength Mode Max Steel's nineteenth transformation. The suit enhances Max's strength to incredible levels, and offers enhanced mobility, durability and jumping. It comes with an extra layer of T.U.R.B.O-powered armor that can be augmented by using more energy, and Max can launch projectiles from his fists. Maximum Morphos
TURBO-HAMMER-CLAW-2 Turbo Hammer Claw Mode Max Steel's twentieth transformation. It is an experimental new mode designed for extreme environments that Max's modes wouldn't resist. It is recommended for rescue missions. Max is equipped with a arm-mounted claw/blaster and a potent hammer. Team Turbo
TURBO-PRIME-MODE-22 Turbo Prime Mode Max Steel's twenty-first transformation. Max is equipped with six blades on his back, which can grant him the power of flight and be fired off as projectiles. He uses this mode with his Connect-Tek Sword. Team Turbo
Zombie Hunter suit Turbo Zombie Hunter Mode (Unoficial name) Max Steel's twenty-second transformation. It was created by Steel after he completed the Brain Shields to assist Team Turbo's survival during the Technopocalypse. While Max is initially unarmed while using this mode, he gets a pair of daggers that he uses to fight his foes. Team Turbo Fusion-Tek
Turbo Hunter Mode Turbo Hunter Mode Max Steel's twenty-third transformation. Max's armor features dark colors, allowing him to blend with the environment and enhance his stealthiness. He is also equipped with a blaster, which can be upgraded into a staff when Steel links with it. Team Turbo Fusion-Tek
Turbo Mega Mode Turbo Mega Mode (Unofficial name) Max Steel's twenty-fourth transformation. It is the fusion of Team Turbo's secondary Turbo Modes, plus Max's Turbo Prime Mode. It features La Fiera's talons, C.Y.T.R.O.'s wrecking ball and Tempestra's ice javelins. Team Turbo Fusion-Tek
Turbo Armor Mode Turbo Armor Mode Max Steel's twenty-fifth transformation, and his first technological mode. Max's body is protected by a highly resistant armor and he counts with a reflective shield, a sword, and an arm-mounted cannon. It features Connect-Tek technology, allowing Max to configure and reconfigure the armor's gear and powers. Turbo-Charged
Jet-pack-vehicle Turbo Jet Pack Mode Max Steel's twenty-sixth transformation, and his second technological mode. Max is equipped with a jet-pack vehicle that allows him to fly in high speed. The vehicle itself is equipped with Connect-Tek technology, allowing him to configure and reconfigure it to achieve more than 15 battle modes. Turbo-Warriors
Wave-blast-mode Turbo Wave Rider Mode Max Steel's twenty-seventh transformation, and his third technological mode. Max is equipped with a hover-board that allows him to battle enemies on the sea, land or air. It can expand its sides to reveal projectile launchers. Turbo-Warriors
Turbo Sniper Mode Turbo Sniper Mode Max Steel's twenty-eighth transformation, and his fourth technological mode. Max is equipped with a rifle capable of shooting T.U.R.B.O-powered bursts. He also has a dagger store on his right shin. Turbo-Warriors
Mechanical-panther Turbo Rocket Spear Mode Max Steel's twenty-ninth transformation, and his fifth technological mode. Max is equipped with a double-sided spear that can tear through the hardest metals, and is accompanied by a panther ally, who has rockets attached on his body, giving him the power of flight. Turbo-Warriors
Turbo Anti-Toxic Mode Turbo Anti-Toxic Mode (Unofficial name) Max Steel's thirtieth transformation, and his sixth technological mode. Max is equipped with a small blaster that contains a corrosive liquid. He also wears a gas-mask. Turbo-Warriors
Mountain-attack-mode Turbo Mountain Attack Mode Max Steel's thirty-first transformation, and his seventh technological mode. Max is equipped with Turbofied pickaxes, a backpack featuring a helicopter mechanism, a projectile launcher and an automatic scaling mechanism. Turbo-Warriors


In The Ultralink Hunter, Steel unlocked Turbo Mimic Mode, a Turbo Mode that is only useable by Steel. This mode allows Steel to create his own versions of Max's Turbo Modes, at the cost of more T.U.R.B.O. Energy. However, by overusing this mode makes Max and Steel unable to change modes. Steel has only mimicked Turbo Super Mode, Turbo Cannon Mode and Turbo Strength Mode.

Steel's Turbo Modes
Image Name Description First Appearance
Turbo Mimic - Super Turbo Mimic Super Mode Super Mode was the first mode to be mimicked by Steel. It gives him enhanced speed, and by shouting specific quotes (such as "Let's shred!"), he can activate unique powers, such as extra strength. The Ultralink Hunter
Turbo Mimic - Cannon Turbo Mimic Cannon Mode Cannon Mode was the second mode to be mimicked by Steel. By charging himself with T.U.R.B.O. energy, Steel can launch himself at enemies. The Ultralink Hunter
Turbo Mimic - Strength Turbo Mimic Strength Mode Strength Mode was the third mode to be mimicked by Steel. His strength is increased considerably, with Steel being capable of punching through the walls of a Makino Destroyer with ease. The Ultralink Hunter


  • Turbo Modes have their own full designation. For example, Turbo Strength Mode's designation is "Defense Protocol X795" and Turbo Camouflage Mode is "Security Protocol Zed-795". Their names can be simplified to be activated for combat.
  • Prior to the Team Turbo timeskip, most of Max's Turbo Modes featured blue, black and white. Other modes have a fourth color added to them, such as Turbo Nova which featured red, Turbo Speed (post season two) which featured green and Turbo Heat which featured yellow. From Team Turbo and onwards, Max's modes gained a wider variety of colors, such as Turbo Hammer Claw Mode, which is entirely yellow and black with blue accents.
    • In the 2017 duology, Max's mode colors also have a larger variety of colors, such as red and orange, although black has more prominence.
  • Some of the Turbo Modes are all used in one episode.
  • From Team Turbo and onwards, most of Max's modes came with a weapon or devices, such as Turbo Hunter Mode which came with a blaster, or Armor Mode which came with a sword and reflective shield.
  • Max has access to the Turbo Modes of his father as well, as seen in Maximum Morphos when he and Steel combined Jim's Turbo Sonic Mode and Turbo Flight Mode.
  • At some point during the development of the first season, a transformation named as Turbo Jumbo Mode was set to appear in X Marks the Spot. It was described as being "super large" and Max would have used it to battle a giant lizard Ultralink in Japan.[4] This is the only known scrapped Turbo Mode idea as well.


See Also[]


Turbo Modes in Max Steel
Max Steel's Turbo Modes Turbo Base Mode · Turbo Strength Mode · Turbo Camouflage Mode · Turbo Flight Mode · Turbo Scuba Mode · Turbo Super Mode · Turbo Speed Mode · Turbo Stealth Mode · Turbo Cannon Mode · Turbo Clone Mode · Turbo Mimic Mode · Turbo Heat Mode · Turbo Rocket Mode · Turbo Spike Mode · Turbo Nova Mode · Turbo Annihilation Mode · Turbo Titan Mode · Duo Strike (Turbo Cannon Spike Mode, Turbo Hydro Heat Mode & Turbo Sonic Flight Mode) · Turbo Exo Strength Mode · Turbo Hammer Claw Mode · Turbo Prime Mode · Turbo Hunter Mode · Turbo Mega Mode · Turbo Armor Mode · Turbo Jet Pack Mode · Turbo Wave Rider Mode · Turbo Sniper Mode · Turbo Rocket Spear Mode · Turbo Anti-Toxic Mode · Turbo Mountain Attack Mode
Ja'em Mk'rah's Turbo Modes Turbo Base Mode · Turbo Sky Stinger Mode · Turbo Sonic Mode · Turbo Gauntlet Mode · Turbo Annihilation Mode
La Fiera's Turbo Animal Modes Turbo Base Mode · Turbo Tiger Mode · Turbo Eagle Mode · Turbo Raptor Mode · Turbo Wave Rider Mode · Turbo Rhino Mode
Tempestra's Turbo Storm Modes Turbo Base Mode · Turbo Lightning Storm Mode · Turbo Ice Storm Mode · Turbo Wave Rider Mode
C.Y.T.R.O.'s Turbo Vehicle Modes Turbo Base Mode · Turbo Chopper Mode · Turbo Wrecking Ball Mode · Turbo Drill Mode
Mortum's Turbo Modes Turbo Trap Mode · Turbo Ultimate Mode · Turbo Bat Mode