Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki

Toxzoid Launch Toxzon or just Toxzon is an action figure based on the character of the same name. It was released on the first half of 2016 under the Team Turbo subline.


Toxzon has a shining dark green helmet with yellow eyes, a light green stripe on the center of his face and a transparent, green mohawk sticking out from the top of his head. He has a pair of hoses sticking out of from his face to his shoulders, a V-shaped light green marking on his chest and silver armor on his lower torso. He has dark green armored parts on his upper arms, green forearm pads, dark green gloves and green boots. He has eleven points of articulation and comes with two accessories.

He comes with a dark green blaster which can fire a green projectile with the face of a Goopanoid on it. It can also reveal three claws and can be inserted on his left arm.


  • The figure reuses the hands of Max Steel's figures.
  • It is the third villain to have a budget action figure, the other two being Dread and Extroyer.
  • On the Official Website, Toxzon's name was incorrectly labelled as "Toxon".
  • In Mexico, this figure was released alongside with a DVD containg The Wrath of Makino and a couple of mini episodes.
  • The figure would later be relaunched on the Eagle La Fiera, Max Steel and C.Y.T.R.O. VS Toxzon battle pack, albeit with a slightly different color.
    • In 2017, it was relaunched under the name of Mutant Claw Toxzon, in which he had a blue and yellow color scheme and came with a pair of claw-like accessories.



2016 Max Steel Toys
Team Turbo Ape Extroyer · Base Mode La Fiera · Blaster Max Steel · Copter C.Y.T.R.O. · Firestorm Elementor · Flight Max Steel · Max Steel and Motorcycle C.Y.T.R.O. · Strength Reveal Max Steel · Toxzoid Launch Toxzon · Turbo Hammer Claw Max Steel · Turbo Prime Max Steel · Turbo Tiger La Fiera · Turbo Transformation Max Steel · Vertical Lift Off Max Steel
Team Turbo Fusion-Tek Death Trap Mortum · Eagle La Fiera · Eagle La Fiera, Max Steel and C.Y.T.R.O. Vs Toxzon · Max Steel Turbo Sword · Mega Max Steel · Turbo Charged Max Steel · Turbo Hunter Max Steel · Turbo Max Steel · Ultimate Mortum · Zombie Hunter Max Steel
Connect-Tek Chemical Counter Max Steel · Copter C.Y.T.R.O. · Death Trap Mortum · Desert Attack Max Steel · Dragon Fly Max Steel · Eagle La Fiera · Eagle La Fiera, Max Steel and C.Y.T.R.O. Vs Toxzon · Fire Wing Dread · Flight Max Steel · Grapple Shot Max Steel · Hovercraft Max Steel · Mantis Extroyer · Mega Max Steel · Mega Morphos · Ninja Max Steel · Roller Blades Max Steel · Samurai Max Steel Vs Saber Dread · Skate & Blast Max Steel · Torpedo Max Steel · Transformable Bike Max Steel · Turbo Charged Max Steel ·Turbo Hunter Max Steel · Turbo Max Steel · Turbo Strike Max Steel · Turbo Tiger La Fiera · Urban Attack Max Steel · Vertical Lift Off Max Steel · Zombie Hunter Max Steel
Others/Classic Chemical Counter Max Steel · Desert Attack Max Steel · Dragon Fly Max Steel · Fire Wing Dread · Grapple Shot Max Steel · Jungle Max Steel · Mantis Extroyer · Marine Rock Elementor · Mega Morphos · Ninja Max Steel · Samurai Max Steel Vs Saber Dread · Skate & Blast Max Steel · Spy Attack Max Steel · Sword Dread · Torpedo Max Steel · Transformable Bike Max Steel · Tank Makino · Turbo Aqua Max Steel · Urban Attack Max Steel