Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki

The Thieves are a trio of minor villains in Max Steel. They are a group of petty criminals that are constantly trying to rob banks, but their heists are always almost stopped by Max and Steel or the police. They debuted in Secret Identity Crisis.


Season 1[]

Secret Identity Crisis[]

The thief duo had stolen a bank and were about to flee in a car. They try to run at full speed, but they are unable as Max is holding their car. They drive over Max, who then activates Turbo Strength Mode and lifts their vehicle. The police arrives and Max puts the car down. The thieves are then arrested.

Uncle Sam Wants You![]

The thieves had stolen military weapons and Max Steel was chasing them throughout the streets of Copper Canyon with the Turbo Cycle. They attempt to shake him off with their weapons, but they ultimately fail. They are cornered by Colonel Castle's army. They attempt to flee and Max attempts to stun them with a T.U.R.B.O. Energy ray. However, Max's target slips at a banana peel and the ray instead hits the army tanks, causing a battle to ensue between the hero and the military.

The Truth Hurts[]

The thieves are fleeing from the police at the sea. One of them uses a rocket launcher, destroying the boat of the policemen. Max, who was chasing them with Turbo Flight Mode, switches to Turbo Scuba Mode and powers up to deliver a massive blow at their boat, causing it to break in two. They attempt to get the money bag, but are cornered by the police and are arrested.

Season 2[]

The Ultralink Hunter[]

The thieves steal a bank and escape with in motorcycles and wreak havoc across the city. The police attempt to catch them, but they fail. Max attempts to catch up to them, but he has a discussion with Steel, thus distracting him. They are ultimately cornered by the police.

Animated Films[]

Team Turbo Fusion-Tek[]

The two thieves are stealing gold bars from a bank. Due to the weight of the bag, the thief was having trouble carrying them and tells him comrade that they should have taken the paper money instead. The police corners them, but they pull out their weapons and start shooting. Max Steel intervenes and uses his sword to cut their weapons. The third thief appears in a van, trying to run over Max. He dodges and allows him to rescues his friends. They run off to the city, but Max explodes one of the tires of the vehicle with a T.U.R.B.O. blast. They use hovercrafts to escape, and each go into different directions. Team Turbo split and each of them stop the thieves. They are eventually arrested by the police.



The thieves use a variety of weapons and vehicles during their heists.

  • Vest: All of wear vests.
  • Laser Blasters: They frequently use large laser blasters for combat. They are capable of causing minor explosions.
  • Rocket Launchers: They use rocket launchers. Its projectiles can cause large amounts of damage.
  • Gatling Gun: In Team Turbo Fusion-Tek, one of them appears using a gatling gun. It can fire laser projectiles in rapid succession.
  • Car: In Secret Identity Crisis, they used car in an attempt of escaping from the bank they just had stolen.
  • Boat: In The Truth Hurts, they use a boat to escape from the police. It was destroyed by Max Steel.
  • Motorcycles: In The Ultralink Hunter, they use motorcycles to escape.
  • Van: In Team Turbo Fusion-Tek, they use a van to escape from Max and his team.
  • Hovercrafts: Each of them use a hovercraft in Team Turbo Fusion-Tek. It can fly in high speed.


Characters in Max Steel
Team Turbo Maxwell McGrath and Steel (Max Steel) ยท Alejandro Villar ยท Rayne Martinez ยท C.Y.T.R.O.
N-Tek Alejandro Villar ยท Commander Forge Ferrus ยท C.Y.T.R.O. ยท Commander Parker ยท Furbo (Furbo's Clones) ยท Jefferson Smith ยท Jim McGrath ยท Katherine "Kat" Ryan ยท Maxwell McGrath ยท Molly McGrath ยท Professor Connors ยท Rayne Martinez ยท Roberto "Berto" Martinez ยท N-Tek Scientists ยท N-Tek Soldiers ยท Steel ยท T.J. ยท Ven-Ghan
Main Villains Makino ยท Miles Dread ยท Morphos ยท Professor Mortum ยท Dr. Prometheus Halifax/Terrorax ยท Extroyer ยท Toxzon and Fishy ยท The Elementors (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Ultimate and Mega) ยท Jason Naught ยท Evil Ultralinks
Makino's Ultralinks and Megalinks Makino ยท Avatak ยท Blast Link ยท Bone Links ยท Butch Link (Purple Tweezer Ultralink) ยท Centipede Links ยท Chomp Link ยท Drone Ultralinks ยท Elementors (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Ultimate, Mega, Earth and Air, Water and Fire, Firestorm Elementor, Metal and Fire and Earth and Water) ยท Earth Elementor (species) ยท Extroyer's Ultralink ยท Fighter Ultralinks ยท Forge Link (Unnamed Red Ultralink) ยท Gun Links ยท Kirby Link (Green Spiny Ultralink) ยท Lizard Links ยท Makino Elite Ultralinks ยท N-Tek Link ยท Plaztek ยท Prism Link ยท Raider Ultralinks ยท Reaper Links ยท Rock Links ยท Spiny Ultralinks ยท Stealth Ultralinks ยท Steel ยท Stinger Ultralinks ยท Sydney Link (Pink Stealth Ultralink) ยท Tank Links ยท Torbolt ยท Tweezer Ultralinks ยท X376 ยท Xenoshok ยท Zelak
The Nexus Lord Nexus ยท Cloaked figures ยท Elementors (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Metal and Fire and Earth and Water) ยท Nexus Agents ยท Terrorax ยท Team Terror (Monstro, Night Howl and Snare)
The The Black Star Council Ragnok (Ragnok's Guana) ยท Hooded Figure ยท Ven-Ghan
Other Villains Alien Scientist and assistant ยท Colonel Jasper F. Castle and his army ยท Dread Naughts ยท Vin and Dwayne ยท Goopanoids (Acid, Green Toxin, Nano, Radioactive and Toxic Bacteria)  ยท Human Morphos Hybrids ยท Makino's Clones ยท Morphos' Clones ยท Murakami ยท Robot Zombies ยท Sewer Monsters ยท Super Mud ยท The Ninjas ยท Toxic Animals ยท Thieves ยท Toxic Zombies ยท Turbofied Dread Naughts
Copper Canyon High School Butch ยท Copper Canyon High School Coach ยท Dean ยท Dr. Thornhill ยท Jake ยท Kirby Kowalski ยท Maxwell McGrath ยท Sydney Gardner
Others Axel ยท Commander Kilgore and his army ยท Copper Canyon Mayor ยท Copper Squatch ยท Donnie ยท Georgina Romero ยท Hero-Man (Cobrassaurus and Laser-Lass) ยท Hot Dog Vendor ยท Jimmy Blaze ยท Klean Kal ยท Lewis ยท Mama Moco ยท Martin ยท Max's Old Neighbors ยท Mortum's nephew ยท Mr. Jones ยท THI Workers ยท Takion Soldiers ยท The Vendor ยท Troy's Pet Tiger ยท Truck Driver ยท Ty Dimples ยท Unnamed Blonde Woman
Season 1 Characters
N-Tek Maxwell McGrath ยท Steel ยท Commander Forge Ferrus ยท Molly McGrath ยท Roberto Martinez (C.Y.T.R.O.) ยท Jefferson Smith ยท Jim McGrath ยท Katherine Ryan ยท Commander Parker ยท N-Tek Agents ยท N-Tek Soldiers ยท N-Tek Scientists
Villains Miles Dread ยท Jason Naught ยท Dread Naughts ยท Extroyer (Extroyer's Ultralink) ยท Toxzon ยท Fishy ยท Goopanoids (Green Toxin, Acid, Toxic Bacteria and Radioactive) ยท The Elementors (Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Ultimate) ยท Axel ยท Centipede Links ยท Colonel Jasper F. Castle ยท Colonel Castle's Army ยท Dwayne ยท Gun Links ยท Murakami ยท Sewer Monsters ยท Tank Links ยท The Ninjas ยท Thieves ยท Vin
Copper Canyon High School Butch ยท Dean ยท Dr. Thornhill ยท Jake ยท Kirby Kowalski ยท Sydney Gardner
Others Cobrassaurus ยท Hero-Man ยท Klean Kal ยท  ยท Laser-Lass ยท Lewis ยท Martin ยท Max's old neighbors ยท Mr. Jones ยท The Vendor ยท THI Workers ยท Toxic Piranhas ยท Toxic Zombies ยท Troy's Pet Tiger
Season 2 Characters
N-Tek Maxwell McGrath ยท Steel ยท Commander Forge Ferrus ยท Molly McGrath ยท Roberto Martinez (C.Y.T.R.O.) ยท Jefferson Smith ยท Jim McGrath ยท Katherine Ryan ยท Commander Parker ยท Furbo and clones ยท T.J. ยท N-Tek Agents ยท N-Tek Soldiers ยท N-Tek Scientists
Villains Miles Dread ยท Jason Naught ยท Dread Naughts ยท Extroyer (Extroyer's Ultralink) ยท Toxzon ยท Fishy ยท Goopanoids (Nano Goopanoids) ยท Dwayne ยท Vin ยท Thieves
Makino and Evil Ultralinks Makino ยท Metal Elementor (Mega-Elementor ยท Ultimate Elementor (Fire Elementor, Earth Elementor, Water Elementor and Air Elementor) ยท Blast Link ยท Chomp Link ยท Prism Link ยท Avatak ยท Bone Links ยท Butch Link (Purple Tweezer Ultralink ยท Centipede Links ยท Earth Elementors ยท Forge Link (Unnamed Red Ultralink ยท Gun Links ยท Kirby Link (Green Spiny Ultralink ยท Lizard Links ยท N-Tek Link ยท Plaztek ยท Reaper Links ยท Rock Links ยท Sydney Link (Pink Stealth Ultralink) ยท Tank Links ยท X376 ยท Xenoshok
The Black Star Council Ragnok (Ragnok's Guana) ยท Hooded Figure ยท Ven-Ghan
Copper Canyon High School Butch ยท Copper Canyon High School Coach ยท Dean ยท Dr. Thornhill ยท Jake ยท Kirby Kowalski ยท Sydney Gardner
Others Axel ยท Copper Squatch ยท Jimmy Blaze ยท Klean Kal ยท Lewis ยท Mama Moco ยท Martin ยท Mr. Jones ยท Takion Soldiers ยท The Vendor ยท Torbolt