Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki

The Legend of Ja'em Mk'rah is the thirteenth episode of the second season and the thirty-ninth of Max Steel. It was written by Michael Ryan and Sean Jara and directed by Ben Anderson.It was released in June 20 in Australia.


Blast Link fries Steel's circuits, causing Max and Steel to get caught in a memory spiral and to experience Steel's past as if they were really there.


Max is infected by Blast

Max is hit by Blast Link's virus.

At night, Blast, Chomp and Prism attack a truck and two Ultralinks attempt to bond with it, but they are destroyed by the missiles of the Turbo Car. Max and Steel arrive and attempt to attack Blast with projectiles, but he stops them. While Chomp and Prism distract him, Blast attempts to launch a virus on Max Steel while he transforms. They go Turbo Speed and avoids Chomp's lash, and activate Turbo Strength Mode and quickly charge at the trio. Chomp turns his arms into vine-like extensions and traps Max, forcing him to activate Turbo Cannon Mode, and allowing Blast to infect them again, yet he fails. He charges and goes up to the sky and activates Turbo Flight Mode, and Blast successfully manages to install the virus, which disorients Max and makes him fall. He hits the truck and goes back to his Turbo Base, and the Ultralinks approach him.

Max vision

Max experiences the vision of his past.

A Makino Destroyer approaches and Blast decides to leave, despite Chomp thinking that they should terminate Max there. Max attempts to go after them, but Steel keeps activating random modes. By the morning, Max goes to school and Steel keeps committing the same mistake, but they eventually manage to use his civilian attire. Meanwhile, Mega-Elementor is talking with Makino, who scolds him for failing multiple times. The trio of the Ultralinks appear and they reveal that they successfully installed the virus and Elementor claims to his master that they had deactivated his defenses. At school, Max is feeling annoyed due to the noise of Dr. Thornhill's marker at the whiteboard. He tells Steel that he is not feeling well since the incident with Blast, and out of sudden he has a vision of his father, along with Takonian soldiers fighting against Makino's forces, which confuses him. Sydney asks him if he is feeling well and Kirby talks with him saying that he could copy his notes. Max has another vision of the Ultralinks, Makino ships and his father almost falling from a cliff, and attempts to help him, shouting to him take care. Everyone watches him in confusion and Thornhill tells him to sit, but he trips to the floor.

Meanwhile, Mega-Elementor explains his plan, mentioning that his direct assault exposed Max's weak spot and that his minions installed a virus on Aksteel that would kill him, leaving his host completely defenseless. Meanwhile, Max is losing control of his energy and Steel reveals that he no longer is able to hold his energy, and if he didn't got out of the classroom, he could destroy the entire place. Max tells Thornhill that he needed to go to the bathroom and attempts to go Turbo Speed, but fails and activates Turbo Scuba instead and ends up on a small room, where he sees another vision, this time from the Ultralinks and his father. Steel slutters "Mk'rah" and Max shouts it when Thornhill opens the door. He then allows to Max take the day off.

Desert of the Ultralink invasion

The place where the first Ultralink invasion happened.

Meanwhile, Prism locates a T.U.R.B.O. Energy source at Copper Canyon, and Mega-Elementor explains that Max Steel would leave a trail behind and that they would use it to locate him. While Max runs out of school, Steel contacts Berto to check his systems as he couldn't find anything. He then contacts Forge and mentions that Steel's programming had the name of "Ja'em Mk'rah" all over. Molly then picks Max up and he asks who was Mk'rah, which shocks her and makes her crash the car. They got out safely and Max sits on a bench while he is gradually leaking more energy. Forge contacts them and tells them he needed to see them and asks for his mother to come. They arrive at the place where Max and Steel saw at their visions and Forge reveals that this was where the first Ultralink invasion happened.

Ja'em on the ultralink invasion

Ja'em and Steel during the first Ultralink invasion.

Forge reveals that the organization was created solely to defend from Makino's attack, but they were caught unprepared. They were taking a beating, until they released their secret weapon: Ja'em Mk'rah, from planet Takion, and Steel, and they successfully stopped the Ultralinks. Confused, Max asks if Ja'em was an alien and Steel asks where he came from, of which Forge asks if he didn't remembered about any of that. Maxwell says that they were having flashes of it and Forge says that Steel was bonded to Ja'em, hence why they were having the visions. Max says that his father was bonded with Steel, not an alien, and then Forge and Molly reveal that in reality, Max's father was an alien. Max gets shocked and angry and asks why they never told him his father was an alien, but their discussion is interupted by Berto, who had found the virus corrupting Steel's programming, and in around three minutes it would kill him.

Jim and Steel

Ja'em and Steel on the battle of Takion.

As Steel weakens, a Makino Destroyer appears and Molly and Forge prepare to fight against them while Berto sends reinforcements. Meanwhile, Max stays with Steel, and Berto tells them that they could wipe out the virus by a complete reboot and they could accomplish it by using Max's T.U.R.B.O. Energy. He concentrates and puts Steel on his chest and they end up at a Makino ship, surrounded by a large army of Ultralinks, including Steel. They are invading planet Takion, and in the middle of the confusion Max spots his father, who was commanding his troops to help the civilians and fighting against the Ultralinks. Steel sees them and notes their heroic actions and sees Ja'em fighting against a Xenoshok. He decides to bond with him and tackles at his direction. He is stopped by the Takonian, who asks what did they ever did to him, of which Steel replies that they were programmed to absorb and expand for Makino's glory. Ja'em says that the destruction of lives wasn't glory, which makes Steel feel confused. Meanwhile, the Xenoshok gets up and attempts to kill them. As Steel is hit by the creature, the vision stops and they attempt once again the reboot. Blast attempts to terminate them, but he is stopped by C.Y.T.R.O., and Jefferson attacks the Ultralinks with missiles.

Max, Jaem and Steel

Max watching after Steel linked with Ja'em to save his life.

Max and Steel restart the reboot process. While the creature roars at Ja'em, Steel gets up and says that he must live and bonds with him, and at the same time killing the Xenoshok. They present themselves to each other and Ja'em realizes that it was too late to save his planet and decides to leave in a Makino deployer. As they go away, Ja'em looks back at his planet being destroyed and shouts its name in a despairing way. The vision ends and the reboot process seemingly failed. Max shouts "no!" and releases large quantities of T.U.R.B.O. energy, which successfully reboots Steel. They go after the Ultralinks and they attempt to escape, but he doesn't lets them. He uses Turbo Cannon mode to charge at the ship and it blows up. The Ultralinks are captured and Max and Steel appear talking with each other later on. Molly approaches and asks if he was okay, of which he replies that he wasn't, saying that she should have told him the truth. Forge tells them that they made a promise that they never would, and Max decides to leave. Max goes Turbo Flight, but Steel activates Turbo Scuba mode instead, which shocks him thinking that the reboot wasn't successfull, but it turns out it was a joke, which he doesn't takes well.

Meanwhile, Makino appears talking with Mega-Elementor, saying that he would be coming to Earth sooner than expected.


Featured Characters[]



  • In Elements of Surprise Part One, Air and Forge's interactions point out that they already met before. This episode adresses this question, revealing that they first met during the first Ultralink invasion.

Noteworthy events[]

  • Max gets to know the truth about his father and his past.
    • It's revealed that James was an inhabitant of Planet Takion, which was attacked by Metallak and his army of Ultralinks. One of them was Steel, who betrays his own species after saving the life of Ja'em by linking with him and becoming Max Steel.
  • Makino has found a faster way to get to Earth.
  • Blast, Chomp and Prism are captured by N-Tek.



  • The phrase, "Absorb and destroy!" is similar to the original Extroyer's phrase, "Extroy and become!".
  • This is the second time that Steel gets rebooted, with the first time being on Scrambled.
  • It is revealed that Steel was under the command of Metallak, hence why he called him a diserter from his army in Full Metal Racket.
  • It is the first episode in which Makino calls Metal Elementor Mega Metal Elementor.
  • It is revealed that there was not only one Earth Elementor.
  • Fire Elementor, Air Elementor, and Earth Elementor made an appearance in this episode in the flashbacks.
Max Steel Episodes
Season 1 Episodes Come Together Part One · Come Together Part Two · Come Together Part Three · Cleaning House · Secret Identity Crisis · C.Y.T.R.O Attacks! · Hard Water · The Thrill of the Hunt · Extroyer Unleashed · Live by the Sword · Supermania · Uncle Sam Wants You! · Elements of Surprise Part One · Elements of Surprise Part Two · Driven · The Truth Hurts · The Secret Admirer · Scrambled · X Marks the Spot · Gone Fishin' · Making the Grade · Split Decisions · Pick Your Poison · Thanks, I Think · Earth Under Siege Part One · Earth Under Siege Part Two
Season 2 Episodes Ultralink Invasion Part One · Ultralink Invasion Part Two · Dredd Ascendant · Toxic Relationship · Full Metal Racket · Animal Attraction · Deep Turbo Blue Sea · The Ultralink Hunter · Digital Meltdown · Journey to the Center of Copper Canyon · Hot Zone · Lights, Camera, Max! · The Legend of Ja'em Mk'rah · Makino Strikes Part One · Makino Strikes Part Two · Got Turbo Star? · My Best Friend is an Ultralink · Me, Myself, and Extroyer · Definitely Fear the Reaper · Torbolt The Terrible · Reprogrammed · A Germ of an Idea · Fugitive ·The Great Turbo Star Caper · The Final Countdown Part One · The Final Countdown Part Two
Animated Films The Wrath of Makino · Dawn of Morphos · Maximum Morphos · Team Turbo · Team Turbo Fusion-Tek · Turbo-Charged · Turbo-Warriors
Mini Episodes Better Off Dread · Toxic Morphos · New World Disorder · Hot Water · The Captive · Terrorsaurus