Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki

Strength Reveal Max is one of the character's action figures based on his Turbo Strength Mode. It was released on the first half of 2016 and belongs to the Team Turbo subline.


  • Strength Reveal Max Max Steel VS Tank Makino: Makino prepares to attack and reveals his spinning cannons. Can Max defeat him with his high speed discs?
  • Tank Makino VS Strength Reveal Max Steel: Makino is preparing to attack with his spinning cannons. Can Max defeat him with his high speed discs?


Max has a white helme with black on its top, a black mask with V-shaped blue visor and orange markings on his face. He has a white armor from his neck to his chest, in where Steel is linked to. He has white shoulders pads, silver biceps pads, white forearm pads and transparent, Turbo-charged fists. He has silver markings on his abdomen, knees and on the feet. He has six points of articulation an comes with five accessories.

Max has a launchers on his shoulders that can launch a pair of orange projectiles, which can be fired by using a blue ripcord that he comes with (which can also act as a sword). He has a two flames on his forearms, which can be revealed by pressing a button on his gauntlets, and he comes with asilver blaster that can fire a blue projectile.


  • Max_Steel_Turbo_Campaign_with_Strength_Reveal_Max_and_Tank_Makino!

    Max Steel Turbo Campaign with Strength Reveal Max and Tank Makino!

    A TV spot for Strength Reveal Max and Tank Makino was produced in 2016.
  • The rip launcher that Max comes with is a remold of the Turbo Battlers rip cords. He also reuses the silver launcher from Rocket Blaster Max, from 2015.
  • Although that this figure is listed as a part of the Team Turbo subline, it was never seen in the film.



2016 Max Steel Toys
Team Turbo Ape Extroyer · Base Mode La Fiera · Blaster Max Steel · Copter C.Y.T.R.O. · Firestorm Elementor · Flight Max Steel · Max Steel and Motorcycle C.Y.T.R.O. · Strength Reveal Max Steel · Toxzoid Launch Toxzon · Turbo Hammer Claw Max Steel · Turbo Prime Max Steel · Turbo Tiger La Fiera · Turbo Transformation Max Steel · Vertical Lift Off Max Steel
Team Turbo Fusion-Tek Death Trap Mortum · Eagle La Fiera · Eagle La Fiera, Max Steel and C.Y.T.R.O. Vs Toxzon · Max Steel Turbo Sword · Mega Max Steel · Turbo Charged Max Steel · Turbo Hunter Max Steel · Turbo Max Steel · Ultimate Mortum · Zombie Hunter Max Steel
Connect-Tek Chemical Counter Max Steel · Copter C.Y.T.R.O. · Death Trap Mortum · Desert Attack Max Steel · Dragon Fly Max Steel · Eagle La Fiera · Eagle La Fiera, Max Steel and C.Y.T.R.O. Vs Toxzon · Fire Wing Dread · Flight Max Steel · Grapple Shot Max Steel · Hovercraft Max Steel · Mantis Extroyer · Mega Max Steel · Mega Morphos · Ninja Max Steel · Roller Blades Max Steel · Samurai Max Steel Vs Saber Dread · Skate & Blast Max Steel · Torpedo Max Steel · Transformable Bike Max Steel · Turbo Charged Max Steel ·Turbo Hunter Max Steel · Turbo Max Steel · Turbo Strike Max Steel · Turbo Tiger La Fiera · Urban Attack Max Steel · Vertical Lift Off Max Steel · Zombie Hunter Max Steel
Others/Classic Chemical Counter Max Steel · Desert Attack Max Steel · Dragon Fly Max Steel · Fire Wing Dread · Grapple Shot Max Steel · Jungle Max Steel · Mantis Extroyer · Marine Rock Elementor · Mega Morphos · Ninja Max Steel · Samurai Max Steel Vs Saber Dread · Skate & Blast Max Steel · Spy Attack Max Steel · Sword Dread · Torpedo Max Steel · Transformable Bike Max Steel · Tank Makino · Turbo Aqua Max Steel · Urban Attack Max Steel