“ You can take whatever form you prefer, it will make no difference!
—Night Howl, Turbo-Warriors
Night Howl (sometimes misspelled as Nighthowl) was a member of Terrorax's Team Terror and a member of Lord Nexus' secret society of super villains. He was La Fiera's evil counterpart. He debuted in Turbo-Charged and is voiced by Giles Panton.
Early Life[]
Night Howl was once a feral predator (yet not specified, presumably a wolf) who was mechanically enhanced.
Animated Films[]

Night Howl charged with Terrorax's Terror Energy.
Alongside Snare and Monster, Night Howl was presented by Terrorax to Lord Nexus through a brief description about their origins. He charges them with Terror Energy and releases them from their stasis.
Upon their awakening, Team Terror is sent to fight against Max and his team. Night Howl faces Max Steel by using his wolf form. After a fierce battle, Night Howl is temporarily incapacitated after being buried beneath various rocks. After the rest of Team Turbo took down Terrorax's minions, Max left. Night Howl quickly remerged from the rocks.
Team Terror is rescued by the Nexus and sent to Terrorax's secret hideout. While he proceeds with his plans of deactivating Copper Canyon's technology, Night Howl, Snare and Monstro and sent out to fight against Team Turbo. The predator fights against La Fiera's Turbo Raptor Mode. He is eventually defeated after being tossed in the wall.
After Terrorax's defeat, Monstro, Snare and an unconscious Night Howl were rescued by Team Turbo. They were later imprisoned.
Max Steel: Turbo-Warriors[]
Alongside Snare and Monstro, Night Howl was rescued by Terrorax from Team Turbo's prison. The group went to their vault, where they kept Prometheus' Terror Energy Generator. They stole the device, and Terrorax activated the various bombs that he had implanted throughout Team Turbo's base, causing it to blow up. Night Howl and the others head to the Pantheon, where Terrorax charged them once again with Terror Energy, making them much stronger.
While Max and his team are heading to the Pantheon, Team Terror intercepts them. Night Howl turns into his wolf form and fights one-on-one against La Fiera's Turbo Tiger Mode. During the battle, he bites Alex's right arm, causing him to mutate into a bionic panther. Team Terror captures Rayne and C.Y.T.R.O. and head back to the Pantheon.
Later on, Night Howl appears practicing his skills when a mutated Alex comes out from the shadows, drawing the predator's attention. Max catches him by behind and manages to extract a portion of his Terror energy, causing him to pass out. Alex, now cured from his mutation, throws Night Howl's unconscious body at the energy field from the prison level to free Rayne and C.Y.T.R.O.. Due to the strong discharge of electricity, it is likely that Night Howl perished.
- Superhuman Strength: Night Howl is stronger than an average individual since he was technologically modified and also empowered by Terrorax's Terror energy. After he was charged a second time with Terror energy, his strength was enhanced even further, allowing him to rival Alex's Turbo Tiger Mode.
- Superhuman Durability: He is capable of enduring physical pain for long periods.
- Superhuman Agility: Night Howl is extremely fast and agile at the point of being a match for La Fiera's Turbo Raptor Mode. His wolf form also grants him enhanced agility.
- Shapeshifting: Night Howl can switch between his humanoid and wolf form, with the latter being his preferred form for combat. In his wolf form, his size increases considerably and he gets faster and agiler than his humanoid form.
- Infectious Bite: Night Howl possesses an infectious bite. During his combat with Alex, he bit him and triggered a mutation that turned him into a bionic panther.
- Unlimited Stamina: Night Howl can fight during long periods without needing to recover and can quickly recover after a battle in few minutes.
- Skilled Fighter: Night Howl shows proficience at combat, being capable of matching La Fiera's skills in his Turbo Raptor Mode.
The name "Night Howl" makes a reference to his wolf-like appearance. Wolfs are nocturnal animals that emits howls, which is a long, loud and doleful cry.
Night Howl has the appearance of a humanoid wolf with white spiky hair, red eyes with black circles around them, blue mechanical jaw and pale skin. He wears a black, dark purple and dark grey armor with shining pink lines on the arms, chest and legs.
Night Howl also has acess to a wolf mode which is roughly the same size as a car. Besides his mechanical jaw and red eyes, he also gains a long white hair. The design of his armor is similar to that of his humanoid form. He also had a dark blue tail that was cut by Max during their first fight.
After being enhanced with Terrorax's enhanced Terror Energy, his armor gains a darker shade of purple and has various pink accents, besides the sparks of Terror Energy around his body. His hair also gets slightly purpish tone. His wolf form also retains the same characteristics of his humanoid form.
Night Howl is a vicious, ruthless and cold-hearted assassin who remains emotionless and quiet during most of the time. In a fight against Max Steel, he said that strength is nothing without the speed of a wolf. Like other members of Team Terror, he is very loyal to Lord Nexus. He is also shown to be extremely energetic in fights and was once shown training his skills in Turbo-Warriors.
Night Howl refers to Terrorax as "master".
Max Steel[]
- Night Howl: "Master tells me you're the strong one, but what is strength without the speed and savagery of the wolf?"
Night Howl first interacted with Max while fighting in a desert. He sliced off his tail and Night Howl ferociously fought against him. The villain eventually was defeated by him.
La Fiera[]
Night Howl is La Fiera's counterpart on Team Terror. They fought in Terrorax's secret hideout and eventually the hero won using his brand new Turbo Raptor Mode. In Turbo-Warriors, Night Howl bites La Fiera and he turns into a bionic panther. Afterwards, Night Howl mocks and laughs at him.
Other media[]
Night Howl's action figure.
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Night Howl's gallery can be seen here. |
- He is the fourth character in the show whose modes are based on animals. The first is Extroyer, the second is La Fiera and third is Professor Mortum.
- His was the first member of Team Terror to get an action figure.
- Night Howl's hair resembles that of Vegeta's, a character from the Dragon Ball franchise. The hair of his wolf form resembles the long spiky hair of the Super Saiyan 3 transformation.
- In the storyboard of Turbo-Charged, Night Howl's design was much different and he apparently would only have acess to his humanoid form. His face was similar to a mask with four horns (two on the top of his head and the other two on the sides of his cheeks) and a jewel/sphere on the forehead. His hair also would stick out from the back of his head, being slightly longer and more similar to the final design of his wolf form.[1]
- The storyboards show a scrapped idea where in the first fight against Max, after being hit by his sword, Night Howl would have a back pain and would later realize he had lost his tail.
- Despite the first design aforementioned wasn't used in the final product of Turbo-Charged, it was still used in the toy line.
- The storyboards show a scrapped idea where in the first fight against Max, after being hit by his sword, Night Howl would have a back pain and would later realize he had lost his tail.
- As each member of Team Terror is an evil counterpart to Team Turbo. Night Howl, being able to turn into an animal, is the counterpart to La Fiera.