Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki

Jungle Max Steel is one of the character's action figures. It was released on the first half of 2016.


  • Jungle Max Steel VS Mega Morphos: With Max's agile reflexes, as well his impressive abilities with his daggers, it is hard to be defeated while he fights against Morphos and his claw attack!"


Max's face is fully visible. He wears a yellow blouse over a green and black jacket with a blue logo written "MAX" on the left side of his chest, a yellow belt, black pants and green boots. He also wears grey gloves and is holding daggers on both hands. Max has twelve points of articulation.

One of Max's daggers feature a peg, allowing them to connect to form a larger weapon. His wrists also feature enhanced articulation to move the daggers.


  • It was the first figure of the toy line in which Max is wearing a regular attire rather than a Turbo Mode or a technological armor.



2016 Max Steel Toys
Team Turbo Ape Extroyer ยท Base Mode La Fiera ยท Blaster Max Steel ยท Copter C.Y.T.R.O. ยท Firestorm Elementor ยท Flight Max Steel ยท Max Steel and Motorcycle C.Y.T.R.O. ยท Strength Reveal Max Steel ยท Toxzoid Launch Toxzon ยท Turbo Hammer Claw Max Steel ยท Turbo Prime Max Steel ยท Turbo Tiger La Fiera ยท Turbo Transformation Max Steel ยท Vertical Lift Off Max Steel
Team Turbo Fusion-Tek Death Trap Mortum ยท Eagle La Fiera ยท Eagle La Fiera, Max Steel and C.Y.T.R.O. Vs Toxzon ยท Max Steel Turbo Sword ยท Mega Max Steel ยท Turbo Charged Max Steel ยท Turbo Hunter Max Steel ยท Turbo Max Steel ยท Ultimate Mortum ยท Zombie Hunter Max Steel
Connect-Tek Chemical Counter Max Steel ยท Copter C.Y.T.R.O. ยท Death Trap Mortum ยท Desert Attack Max Steel ยท Dragon Fly Max Steel ยท Eagle La Fiera ยท Eagle La Fiera, Max Steel and C.Y.T.R.O. Vs Toxzon ยท Fire Wing Dread ยท Flight Max Steel ยท Grapple Shot Max Steel ยท Hovercraft Max Steel ยท Mantis Extroyer ยท Mega Max Steel ยท Mega Morphos ยท Ninja Max Steel ยท Roller Blades Max Steel ยท Samurai Max Steel Vs Saber Dread ยท Skate & Blast Max Steel ยท Torpedo Max Steel ยท Transformable Bike Max Steel ยท Turbo Charged Max Steel ยทTurbo Hunter Max Steel ยท Turbo Max Steel ยท Turbo Strike Max Steel ยท Turbo Tiger La Fiera ยท Urban Attack Max Steel ยท Vertical Lift Off Max Steel ยท Zombie Hunter Max Steel
Others/Classic Chemical Counter Max Steel ยท Desert Attack Max Steel ยท Dragon Fly Max Steel ยท Fire Wing Dread ยท Grapple Shot Max Steel ยท Jungle Max Steel ยท Mantis Extroyer ยท Marine Rock Elementor ยท Mega Morphos ยท Ninja Max Steel ยท Samurai Max Steel Vs Saber Dread ยท Skate & Blast Max Steel ยท Spy Attack Max Steel ยท Sword Dread ยท Torpedo Max Steel ยท Transformable Bike Max Steel ยท Tank Makino ยท Turbo Aqua Max Steel ยท Urban Attack Max Steel