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Morphos Ahead!

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Morphos Ahead

Ah, ah! I assure you, I am of sound of mind and body as you! Better, in fact. We don't call it Trans Human Industries for nothing! Allow me to demonstrate.
—Jason Naught to Maxwell McGrath, Come Together Part Three

Jason Naught (pronounced NAWT) is a recurring antagonist introduced in the first season of Max Steel. An ingenious programmer, he is a bio-mechanical mutant capable of shapeshifting from human to a large android equipped with a variety of weapons. The right-hand man of Miles Dread, Jason Naught was the CEO of Trans Human Industries, being secretly tasked with the goal of obtaining Ultralinks to ensure Miles' survival. After Dread's plans were thwarted by N-Tek, Jason went into hiding and began to assist him in his plans. Unknown to Dread, however, Jason had his own agenda and was constantly attempting to obtain power to overthrow his boss.

After the temporary capture N-Tek’s leader, Ferrus, thanks to Air Elementor’s efforts, Jason developed a device to intercept frequencies from N-Tek’s transmitters. This led him to a key transmitter component, but his actions drew Dread's suspicion. The ensuing confrontation culminated in a battle with N-Tek, in which the component was damaged. Jason managed to recovered it and successfully fixed it after countless days and nights. Miles tracks down the location of every component and puts in motion his master plan. Ultimately, thanks to Dread's efforts, a full-blown Ultralink invasion happens.

In the second season, Jason assists Miles in his search for the three pieces of the Turbo Star, a powerful weapon built by Jim and Steel to take down Makino. Despite repeated clashes with Max Steel, Dread ultimately completed the device. Jason was later tasked with invading and sabotaging the Daedelus Platform, a giant aircraft built by the organization in response to Makino's Ultralinks. He implants a computer virus designed by Tytus to corrupt its systems, but his plans are foiled and he is arrested by N-Tek. Escaping during an interrogation, he returned to his base of operations, unaware that Max Steel had followed him. This led to a decisive battle where N-Tek and Max Steel emerged victorious, arresting both Jason and Dread and destroying their base. They eventually escaped, however.

After Makino's death at the hands of Max Steel, Miles Dread resumed one of N-Tek's projects, Morphos, to have revenge against the organization and Max Steel. While initially used as a mere tool of revenge by Miles' part to accomplish his goal, Morphos slowly developed his own conscience and agenda. After the creature becomes Copper Canyon's mayor, Jason became an ally to Morphos and regained his position as the CEO of THI. He is later mutated into a human-Morphos hybrid, but reverts back thanks to Max's efforts.

Jason debuted in Come Together Part One and is voiced by Brian Dobson.


Early Life[]

At some point, Jason Naught was bio-mechanically enhanced by Miles[1] and became THI's CEO.

Season 1[]

Come Together Part One[]

Jason is first seen in a commercial made to promote THI and its products. Upon the workers see it, they compliment the work and Naught's appearance. Their reunion is interrupted by Miles Dread, who contacts Jason to know about an Ultralink that he was tasked to capture. After he tells his boss that his forces had failed to get it, Miles gets extremely angry and desperate. Jason tries to reassure him, but Miles tells him to hurry up, showing a clock on the monitor that, if it reached zero, it would mean his and Naught's end.

Hours later, a THI worker finds a massive surge of T.U.R.B.O. Energy on Copper Canyon, though Naught is skeptic at first. Jason tells him that he should do whatever is necessary to bring the source and leaves to contact Miles. Intrigued, Miles tells him to cease the Ultralink capture operations and instead sends a hunter to find the source. Shortly after, Jason goes back to his office and finds Molly McGrath going through some of THI's reports, much to his annoyance. He mentions to her that it was his private office, and she apologizes.

Come Together Part Two[]

At the THI building, Naught contacts Miles to tell him that they had lost the T.U.R.B.O. energy signature, angering him. He threatens him to find the source, otherwise he would be "terminally unemployed".

Hours later, a THI worker once again finds the T.U.R.B.O. energy surge, much to Jason's contentment. He sends out Fire and Earth Elementors, who successfully capture the source and bring it to Miles.

Come Together Part Three[]

After Miles obtain Steel, he contacts Jason to proceed with their original plan, of which he happily agrees to. Hours later, Naught contacts Dread to talk about N-Tek, who were raiding the THI building.

While Max was heading to the top of the tower to retrieve Steel, Jason intervenes and shows that he isn't fully human by turning himself into a large robot. He tries to punch Max, who gets his fist and causes a massive T.U.R.B.O. energy explosion, thus defeating Naught.

After Miles' defeat, Jason goes to space to retrieve his body.

Secret Identity Crisis[]

Live by the Sword[]

Elements of Surprise Part Two[]

X Marks the Spot[]

Earth Under Siege Part One[]

Season 2[]

Ultralink Invasion Part One[]

Ultralink Invasion Part Two[]

Dredd Ascendant[]

Full Metal Racket[]

Turbo Deep Star Sea[]

Journey to the Center of Copper Canyon[]

Got Turbo Star?[]

Me, Myself, and Extroyer[]

A Germ of an Idea[]

The Great Turbo Star Caper[]

The Final Countdown Part Two[]

Animated Films[]

Dawn of Morphos[]

Maximum Morphos[]

Mini Episodes[]

Better Off Dread[]

New World Disorder[]


  • Bio-Android Physiology: At some point during his life, Jason was bio-mechanically enhanced by Miles Dread with THI's weapon systems, granting him with superhuman conditions and the ability of willingly shapeshifting from human to bio-android form.
    • Shapeshifting: Jason's enhanced body allows him to transform from a human to a large bio-android.
    • Superhuman Strength: Jason is stronger than an average individual, as exemplified in The Great Turbo Star Caper. In it, he easily overpowers Max Steel in his Turbo Strength Mode by continuously beating the hero's own body against the walls of N-Tek's prison until it broke. He can further increase his strength by concentrating energy on his fists.
    • Superhuman Durability: Naught is shown to be extremely durable, with his robotic physiology allowing him to endure physical pain. According to himself in X Marks the Spot, his body is specifically designed to withstand and adapt to a wide range of contingencies. In Live by the Sword, for example, he was thrown from a building to the ground and wasn't harmed at all and in X Marks the Spot, several Dread Naughts exploded on him and he survived.
    • T.U.R.B.O. Energy Immunity: Jason was formerly affected by Max's Turbo Touch problem, as seen in Come Together Part Three. As of Secret Identity Crisis, however, he was upgraded and now is invulnerable to Max's T.U.R.B.O. energy.
    • Projectiles: Naught is capable of projecting fist-shaped projectiles. He can also shoot red lasers from his fists in rapid succession and release a concentrated ray of energy at a specific target.
    • Unlimited Stamina: Being a enhanced individual, Jason is capable of fighting for hours without needing to rest.


  • App: In X Marks the Spot, Naught developed an app/device capable of intercepting the frequencies of N-Tek's transmitters.
  • Dread Naughts: Jason has an army of Dread Naughts at his disposal.
  • THI Shotgun (temporarily): In X Marks the Spot, Naught uses the shotgun from one of the Dread Naughts to breakup the fight between Miles Dredd and Ultimate Elementor. He then use the shotgun to break the camera.
  • Tytus' Computer Virus: As revealed in A Germ of an Idea, Naught had access to a technological virus developed by Tytus back when he worked at THI. He utilized it in an attempt of sabotaging the Daedelus platform.
  • Jetpack (temporarily): In New World Disorder, Naught was upgraded with a large jetpack. He also has excellent maneuver skills, since he was able to dodge many building pillars in high speed while Max crashed in nearly all of them.


  • Programming Skills: Jason has excellent programming skills. In X Marks the Spot, for example, he developed an app capable of intercepting frequencies of N-Tek's transmitters. He also managed to decrypt the Turbo Star files.
  • Repairing Skills: As exemplified in Earth Under Siege Part One, Jason has exceptional skills in electronic repair, being capable of restoring functionality to even severely damaged devices such as the N-Tek component.
  • Expert Piloting Skills: Jason is an adept pilot, capable of expertly maneuvering advanced vehicles and aircraft with precision, even in high-stakes or combat scenarios. Additionally, Naught also knows how maneuver underwater vehicles.


  • Durability Limit: Despite being highly durable, Naught's arm was easily crushed by Ferrus' robotic arm in Ultralink Invasion Part Two.
  • Electricity Vulnerability: In The Thrill of the Hunt, Naught, in his human form, fainted after being hit with a stun baton by Troy Winter.


Jason Naught is a tall and slender adult man. He has fair skin, slicked back black hair, and orange/yellow eyes. His face features angular lines on the forehead and temples. He wears a black suit with a red tie and black shoes.

In his bio-android form, Jason's height increases considerably, with him being nearly as tall as Max's Turbo Strength Mode. He retains his orange eyes and his face split on the eyes and cheek region. He has a black-colored segmented extended neck and a pair of technological pieces sprouting from his chest to his back. His armor features an angular design, having grey, black and light red coloring. Naught has large clawed hands and large robotic feet.


Power-hungry, snobbish and treacherous, Naught was the corrupt CEO of THI. He was rude towards his employees, as seen in Come Together Part One when they were complementing his appearance in a THI commercial and he told them to "get lost" when Miles wanted to talk with him. Jason speaks in a soft-spoken and condescending manner. However, there are moments where he raises his voice, such as X Marks the Spot when he interrupts Miles and Elementor's fighting. He despises Dread and was constantly thinking of ways of overthrowing him, like in Live by the Sword. He had a desire to prove himself to others and to be feared, as exemplified in X Marks the Spot. Jason can go to extreme lengths to obtain power and doesn't cares who he has to hurt in other to obtain it, showing little to no regards to others. In Live for the Sword, for example, he was willing to use a 1000 volts charge in order to make Kirby, who was under possession of Murakami's spirit, let go of the cursed sword on his hand, even joking that he'd be left on a "crispy side" after the experience. Jason is sometimes shown to be clumsy and fearful, seen in Journey to the Center of Copper Canyon when Max and Steel (while using their Turbo Stealth Mode) impersonated the Copper Squatch and he got scared.


Miles Dread[]



  • "I hope what ever Mr. Winter paid you to turn on us was worth it. But then again, is anything worth your life?" — The Thrill of the Hunt
  • "Come to papa!" — Live by the Sword
  • "They will see. My device will work. I will find that transmitter. And when I do, they will be sorry. Dread, Elementor, but most of all, Max Steel!" — X Marks the Spot


Click here for images of Jason Naught.
Jason Naught's gallery can be seen here.


  • Jason's android voice had a slightly difference filter in Come Together Part Three.
  • In Dawn of Morphos, he found it cute that Morphos called Dredd his father.
  • He refers himself as Morphos' "Uncle Naught".



Characters in Max Steel
Team Turbo Maxwell McGrath and Steel (Max Steel) · Alejandro Villar · Rayne Martinez · C.Y.T.R.O.
N-Tek Alejandro Villar · Commander Forge Ferrus · C.Y.T.R.O. · Commander Parker · Furbo (Furbo's Clones) · Jefferson Smith · Jim McGrath · Katherine "Kat" Ryan · Maxwell McGrath · Molly McGrath · Professor Connors · Rayne Martinez · Roberto "Berto" Martinez · N-Tek Scientists · N-Tek Soldiers · Steel · T.J. · Ven-Ghan
Main Villains Makino · Miles Dread · Morphos · Professor Mortum · Dr. Prometheus Halifax/Terrorax · Extroyer · Toxzon and Fishy · The Elementors (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Ultimate and Mega) · Jason Naught · Evil Ultralinks
Makino's Ultralinks and Megalinks Makino · Avatak · Blast Link · Bone Links · Butch Link (Purple Tweezer Ultralink) · Centipede Links · Chomp Link · Drone Ultralinks · Elementors (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Ultimate, Mega, Earth and Air, Water and Fire, Firestorm Elementor, Metal and Fire and Earth and Water) · Earth Elementor (species) · Extroyer's Ultralink · Fighter Ultralinks · Forge Link (Unnamed Red Ultralink) · Gun Links · Kirby Link (Green Spiny Ultralink) · Lizard Links · Makino Elite Ultralinks · N-Tek Link · Plaztek · Prism Link · Raider Ultralinks · Reaper Links · Rock Links · Spiny Ultralinks · Stealth Ultralinks · Steel · Stinger Ultralinks · Sydney Link (Pink Stealth Ultralink) · Tank Links · Torbolt · Tweezer Ultralinks · X376 · Xenoshok · Zelak
The Nexus Lord Nexus · Cloaked figures · Elementors (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Metal and Fire and Earth and Water) · Nexus Agents · Terrorax · Team Terror (Monstro, Night Howl and Snare)
The The Black Star Council Ragnok (Ragnok's Guana) · Hooded Figure · Ven-Ghan
Other Villains Alien Scientist and assistant · Colonel Jasper F. Castle and his army · Dread Naughts · Vin and Dwayne · Goopanoids (Acid, Green Toxin, Nano, Radioactive and Toxic Bacteria)  · Human Morphos Hybrids · Makino's Clones · Morphos' Clones · Murakami · Robot Zombies · Sewer Monsters · Super Mud · The Ninjas · Toxic Animals · Thieves · Toxic Zombies · Turbofied Dread Naughts
Copper Canyon High School Butch · Copper Canyon High School Coach · Dean · Dr. Thornhill · Jake · Kirby Kowalski · Maxwell McGrath · Sydney Gardner
Others Axel · Commander Kilgore and his army · Copper Canyon Mayor · Copper Squatch · Donnie · Georgina Romero · Hero-Man (Cobrassaurus and Laser-Lass) · Hot Dog Vendor · Jimmy Blaze · Klean Kal · Lewis · Mama Moco · Martin · Max's Old Neighbors · Mortum's nephew · Mr. Jones · THI Workers · Takion Soldiers · The Vendor · Troy's Pet Tiger · Truck Driver · Ty Dimples · Unnamed Blonde Woman
Season 1 Characters
N-Tek Maxwell McGrath · Steel · Commander Forge Ferrus · Molly McGrath · Roberto Martinez (C.Y.T.R.O.) · Jefferson Smith · Jim McGrath · Katherine Ryan · Commander Parker · N-Tek Agents · N-Tek Soldiers · N-Tek Scientists
Villains Miles Dread · Jason Naught · Dread Naughts · Extroyer (Extroyer's Ultralink) · Toxzon · Fishy · Goopanoids (Green Toxin, Acid, Toxic Bacteria and Radioactive) · The Elementors (Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Ultimate) · Axel · Centipede Links · Colonel Jasper F. Castle · Colonel Castle's Army · Dwayne · Gun Links · Murakami · Sewer Monsters · Tank Links · The Ninjas · Thieves · Vin
Copper Canyon High School Butch · Dean · Dr. Thornhill · Jake · Kirby Kowalski · Sydney Gardner
Others Cobrassaurus · Hero-Man · Klean Kal ·  · Laser-Lass · Lewis · Martin · Max's old neighbors · Mr. Jones · The Vendor · THI Workers · Toxic Piranhas · Toxic Zombies · Troy's Pet Tiger
Season 2 Characters
N-Tek Maxwell McGrath · Steel · Commander Forge Ferrus · Molly McGrath · Roberto Martinez (C.Y.T.R.O.) · Jefferson Smith · Jim McGrath · Katherine Ryan · Commander Parker · Furbo and clones · T.J. · N-Tek Agents · N-Tek Soldiers · N-Tek Scientists
Villains Miles Dread · Jason Naught · Dread Naughts · Extroyer (Extroyer's Ultralink) · Toxzon · Fishy · Goopanoids (Nano Goopanoids) · Dwayne · Vin · Thieves
Makino and Evil Ultralinks Makino · Metal Elementor (Mega-Elementor · Ultimate Elementor (Fire Elementor, Earth Elementor, Water Elementor and Air Elementor) · Blast Link · Chomp Link · Prism Link · Avatak · Bone Links · Butch Link (Purple Tweezer Ultralink · Centipede Links · Earth Elementors · Forge Link (Unnamed Red Ultralink · Gun Links · Kirby Link (Green Spiny Ultralink · Lizard Links · N-Tek Link · Plaztek · Reaper Links · Rock Links · Sydney Link (Pink Stealth Ultralink) · Tank Links · X376 · Xenoshok
The Black Star Council Ragnok (Ragnok's Guana) · Hooded Figure · Ven-Ghan
Copper Canyon High School Butch · Copper Canyon High School Coach · Dean · Dr. Thornhill · Jake · Kirby Kowalski · Sydney Gardner
Others Axel · Copper Squatch · Jimmy Blaze · Klean Kal · Lewis · Mama Moco · Martin · Mr. Jones · Takion Soldiers · The Vendor · Torbolt