Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki

Extroyer Black Tiger is Extroyer's first transformation. He obtained this mode off-screen and Extroyed his own black tiger to gain it. It debuted in Extroyer Unleashed and is one of Extroyer's most used modes.


Season 1[]

Extroyer Unleashed[]

Extroyer transforms into a black tiger in order to destroy one of Miles Dread's warehouses. A guard hears noise coming from a room and investigates it. He finds Extroyer, who threatens him and proceeds to thrash the room, causing it to catch fire. The guard runs away in fear, while Extroyer claimed that he was destruction and vengeance.

While trying to invade another warehouse, Extroyer is confronted by Max Steel. He proceeded to turn into a black tiger and easily subdued the hero with ease. After defeating Max, Extroyer invades the warehouse and sets it on fire.

Extroyer later on invades another warehouse and fights against Earth Elementor. He quickly subdues the creature. After its defeat, Miles Dread approaches him and blasts an energy beam on Extroyer, causing him to return to his regular mutated humanoid form.

Later on, as a part of Dread's plan, Max confronts Extroyer's black tiger form using his Turbo Strength Mode. He eventually spots a spider on the battlefield, and uses his abilities to assimilate it and transform into a gigantic spider creature.


Extroyer transforms into his black tiger form to confront Max Steel. After knocking him down, he asks Sydney as where Max's car was. Max gets up with a T.U.R.B.O. energy blast, tossing away Extroyer. He demands to Vin and Dwayne let go of Sydney, but as soon as they do, Extroyer tackles at her and demands a package that Max had. After doing so, Extroyer reverts back to his humanoid form.


Extroyer transforms into his black tiger form to fight against Max Steel on the top of a moving truck. He is ultimately defeated after he fails to dodge a bridge and is left behind. Max and Steel investigate, but they don't find him. As soon as they leave, Extroyer comes out from a bush and reveals his intentions of obtaining a much more powerful transformation.

Extroyer later invades the THI building and transforms into a black tiger due to his damaged Ultralink. He threatens Molly McGrath to get a component to fix Ultralink. They head to a room and she reveals that the piece was no longer there. Suddenly, Extroyer transforms into a giant spider.

Making the Grade[]

In order to prevent Steel from escaping from his hideout, Extroyer transforms into multiple of his animal modes. Steel reaches a window and is about to escape when Extroyer jumps behind him and pins him down on the ground.

Extroyer later on transforms into his black tiger form to fight against Forge Ferrus in the top of a N-Tek Jump Jet. He manages to hold his own against the villain, until he transforms into an enormous black cobra.

In order to prevent Steel from escaping from his hideout, Extroyer transforms into a black tiger. He reaches a window, where he jumps and succesfully captures him. Later on, he transforms into a black tiger when he was in the top of a N-Tek Jump Jet and attempted to murder Ferrus.

Extroyer later access his black tiger form while showing off his abilities to Max and Steel.

Season 2[]

Dredd Ascendant[]

Extroyer transforms into a black tiger in order to escape from N-Tek's base and take down a pair of soldiers.

Animated Films[]

Team Turbo[]

Extroyer versus La Fiera

Extroyer VS La Fiera

After Team Turbo activate their Turbo Modes in order to fight against the villains, Extroyer transforms into a black tiger and fights against La Fiera in his Turbo Tiger Mode. Extroyer fights fiercely, but despite his best efforts, he was eventually defeated by his adversary after being crushed by a container.


  • Superhuman Strength: Like his other forms, Extroyer is much stronger than an average individual. He could easily rival Max Steel's Turbo Strength Mode in their first fights and easily subdued Earth Elementor.
  • Superhuamn Durability: Extroyer's body is highly resistant.
  • Superhuman Speed: Extroyer is much faster than an average individual. This was proven in his fight against Earth Elementor, when he quickly dodged from many projectiles from the ground at blur speeds.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: Extroyer's reflexes are enhanced in this form.
  • Unlimited Stamina: Extroyer can fight during long periods without needing to rest.


Extroyer's appearance closely matches that of his black tiger and he preserves its size. He has purple shining eyes, his teeth are made out of sharp energy crystals and has many crystals incrusted on the right side of his body. The tip of his tail is also shaped like a mace.

Appearances on other media[]


Tiger Strike Extroyer

Extroyer's black tiger form gained a deluxe action figure in 2013. Named as Tiger Strike Extroyer, the villain can switch from his humanoid form to his black tiger form. His mouth features missile firing action and his tail accessory can be used as a sword.


Click here for images of Extroyer Black Tiger.
Extroyer Black Tiger's gallery can be seen here.



Transformations and Modes in Max Steel
Max Steel's Turbo Modes Turbo Base Mode · Turbo Strength Mode · Turbo Camouflage Mode · Turbo Flight Mode · Turbo Scuba Mode · Turbo Super Mode · Turbo Speed Mode · Turbo Stealth Mode · Turbo Cannon Mode · Turbo Clone Mode · Turbo Mimic Mode · Turbo Heat Mode · Turbo Rocket Mode · Turbo Spike Mode · Turbo Nova Mode · Turbo Annihilation Mode · Turbo Titan Mode · Duo Strike (Turbo Cannon Spike Mode, Turbo Hydro Heat Mode & Turbo Sonic Flight Mode) · Turbo Exo Strength Mode · Turbo Hammer Claw Mode · Turbo Prime Mode · Turbo Hunter Mode · Turbo Mega Mode · Turbo Armor Mode · Turbo Jet Pack Mode · Turbo Wave Rider Mode · Turbo Sniper Mode · Turbo Rocket Spear Mode · Turbo Anti-Toxic Mode · Turbo Mountain Attack Mode
Ja'em Mk'rah's Turbo Modes Turbo Base Mode · Turbo Sky Stinger Mode · Turbo Sonic Mode · Turbo Gauntlet Mode · Turbo Annihilation Mode
La Fiera's Turbo Animal Modes Turbo Base Mode · Turbo Tiger Mode · Turbo Eagle Mode · Turbo Raptor Mode · Turbo Wave Rider Mode · Turbo Rhino Mode
Tempestra's Turbo Storm Modes Turbo Base Mode · Turbo Thunderstorm Mode · Turbo Ice Storm Mode · Turbo Wave Rider Mode
C.Y.T.R.O.'s Turbo Vehicle Modes Turbo Base Mode · Turbo Chopper Mode · Turbo Wrecking Ball Mode · Turbo Drill Mode
Mortum's Turbo Modes Turbo Trap Mode · Turbo Ultimate Mode · Turbo Bat Mode
Miles Dredd's Transformations Main Mode · T.U.R.B.O. Energy Mode · Makino Mode
Toxzon's Transformations Main Mode · Neutralized · Acid · Toxic Bacteria · Radioactive · Hypnosis Serum · Unknown Orange Toxin · Oil
Extroyer's Transformations Main Mode · Black Tiger · Spider · Shark · Black Cobra · Saber-Tooth Tiger · Mutant · Gorilla · Chimera · T-Rextroyer · Wasp · Xenoshok · Scorpion · Turbo Strength Mode
Makino's Transformations Main Mode · Jet Mode · Tank Mode · Giant Mode · Turbo Annihilation Mode
Morphos' Transformations Main Mode · Turbo Flight Mode · Turbo Strength Mode · C.Y.T.R.O Mode · Miles Dread Mode · Toxzon Mode · Morphos Elementor Mode · Extroyer Mode