Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki

We need to bury him alive!
—Earth to his brothers, Split Decisions

Earth Elementor, also known as X577 Omega Class Bio-Parasitic Subjugation Warrior Ultralink, was a recurring villain introduced on the first season of Max Steel. Alongside his brothers, Earth was one of Makino's emissaries sent to Earth to conquer it. Along with his brother Fire, Earth was allied with Miles Dread and often did his dirty work. After the death of his creator, Makino, at the hands of Max Steel, Earth and the other Elementors became stranded on Earth and now they work for the highest bidder, such as Mortum and Terrorax. Thanks to the latter, Earth and his brothers became members of the Nexus organization.

Earth Elementor debuted in Come Together Part Two and was voiced by Brian Drummond. In Turbo-Charged and Turbo-Warriors, Earth is voiced by Andrew Francis.


Early Life[]

During the first Ultralink invasion on Earth, many Earth Elementors were formed as a result of Ultralinks bonding with earthen elements.[1] Most of them were destroyed by James, Steel and N-Tek, with the exception of one who likely fled the battlefield. Over the years he would become known as "Earth Elementor" and would eventually form an alliance with Miles Dread.

Season 1[]

Come Together Part Two[]

Earth Elementor and Fire Elementor are sent by Miles Dread to downtown Copper Canyon to wreak havoc. They chase after Molly, Maxwell and Forge while they are on Ferrus' car. Max and Steel eventually bond and go Turbo Flight and then Turbo Strength Mode to fight Earth. He manages to temporarily subdue the villain with his strength, but he quickly gets up. As they prepare to punch each other, their fists collide, unleashing a massive shockwave of T.U.R.B.O. Energy throughout the city. As a result, Earth's arm falls from his body. Max uses his own arm to beat the villain and throws him across the city.

Earth deals with Molly and Ferrus. He punches the ground, causing a shockwave that knocks down Forge's car. He regenerates himself and is ready to attack when Max intervenes. He punches Earth's energy core, temporarily debilitating him. After Max separates from Steel to use his as a Turborang, Earth manages to knock him down and defeats Molly and Ferrus. He captures Max and Steel and rescues his brother Fire, who had fainted. He then escapes.

Come Together Part Three[]

Max and an N-Tek army invade THI's headquarters to rescue Steel. After dealing with various Dread Naughts, Earth and Fire are sent out to defeat them. He is eventually defeated after Ferrus delivers a powerful blow on his energy core, causing him to faint.

The Thrill of the Hunt[]

Ordered by Miles Dread, Troy Winter stole a couple of Ultralink components from THI's headquarters. While escaping, he is chased after Max Steel in his Turbo Cycle, until Earth and Fire Elementors intervene. The two villainous Ultralinks fight against the duo and prevent them from linking up. After Steel is temporally taken down by Earth, Max attempts to attack Fire by sneaking behind his back, but he is trapped by Earth. N-Tek's forces soon arrive to help the duo, with Forge jumping from a Hopper onto Earth's back and placing a grenade. After Fire Elementor is defeated, Earth escapes by drilling onto the ground.

Extroyer Unleashed[]

After Extroyer, in his black tiger form, invades one of Miles Dread's abandoned warehouses, he is greeted by Earth Elementor. The Ultralink attempts to use rock projectiles to take down the Extroyer, but he quickly dodges them. He leaps onto Elementor's head to attack his core, but the creature grabs him and throws him on the ground. Extroyer quickly gets up and uses his tail to deal damage to Elementor's core, disorienting him. He delivers the final blow by slashing Earth's Ultralink shell, causing him to faint.

Uncle Sam Wants You![]

After Colonel Jasper F. Castle reveals that he was working for Miles Dread, Max is cornered by his enemies, including Earth Elementor. After Max manages to free himself from Miles' energy leash, he fights against his henchmen. N-Tek's forces later arrive, with C.Y.T.R.O. shooting various missiles at Earth Elementor. Max uses the Turbo Blaster to continuously shoot at the Ultralink's energy core, causing him to faint. An unconscious Earth is later taken into custody by N-Tek.

Elements of Surprise Part One[]

In order to get answers about his past, Steel heads to N-Tek's prison level and tries to talk with the Elementors. They tempted him to set them free, but before he could do anything, Forge and other N-Tek agents intervene.

Thanks to Air Elementor's Stasis Inhibitor, Earth and his brothers are freed from the prison. They were planning to head to N-Tek's isolation chamber were countless Ultralink pods were stored, but they are trapped inside of an energy field generated by the facility's security systems. Fire and Water tell Air to activate his Stasis Inhibitor again, but he refuses as the device wasn't designed for the situation they found themselves in. Earth activates it, causing a chain reaction that merges the four Ultralinks into one creature: Ultimate Elementor.

Split Decisions[]

To determine who would control Ultimate Elementor's body, Air proposes an idea to settle their differences: they would separate from each other and whoever snatched Max Steel would control their unified body. His brothers agree with his plan, and Air uses a device from the Ultralink hunter to separate them.

Fire and Water attempt to capture the hero, but are unable to do so. Air later appears and chases Max Steel and a N-Tek Jump Jet at the canyons when suddenly the cliffs begin to move. After escaping from the canyons, Earth emerges from the ground and launches a vine at Max Steel, ensnaring him. The rest of the Elementors reunite, with each claiming that they had captured the hero. As the four step closer to Max, he activates Turbo Stealth Mode and successfully escapes. However, Earth finds him and sends out rock projectiles at his direction, causing him to be thrown across the battlefield.

The Elementors group together and begin attacking Max. He activates Turbo Strength Mode and attacks Earth's energy core, causing him to temporarily faint. However, he recovers and resumes his quest for the hero's capture. The N-Tek team later intervene, with Forge controlling C.Y.T.R.O.. He attempts to make the robot attack the Elementors, but he instead makes it dance. Earth interprets it as a "cutting edge N-Tek attack strategy" and runs away, much to his brothers' annoyance. He later reemerges, but is taken down by the Turborang move. The group is eventually defeated by Max's Turbo Cannon Mode.

Air rescues his unconscious brothers and reunites at Dread's mountain lair. He comments with them that they should focalize their rage that they have for each other towards their nemesis and they agree to fuse into one being again, this time with a newfound determination.

Season 2[]

Hot Zone[]

Metal Elementor uses his abilities to separate the Elementors, causing them to return to their individual forms. With the use of Turbo Clone Mode, Max manages to overwhelm them. He takes Metal to a volcano while the rest of the Elementors remain alone. Air comments that Metal should deal with the hero by himself, of which his brothers agree. They then leave.

Metal later on uses his annexing abilities to reabsorb them into his being.

The Final Countdown Part One[]

At the Alphalink, Max was on his way to fight Makino until Mega-Elementor intervened. Each Elementor began to argue about who would be the one to defeat Max, leaving them distracted. He used Turbo Star to blast them onto space, causing them to return to their individual forms.

Animated Films[]

The Wrath of Makino[]

Maximum Morphos[]

Team Turbo[]


Earth and his brothers, as holograms, fought against Max Steel while he tested out his new powers.


Alongside his brothers, Earth was contacted by Terrorax, who proposed an alliance to grant them new powers. At first, they were skeptical, with Earth asking why he didn't resort to his "precious" Nexus for help, but he replies saying that he was too weakened. After promising powers beyond their wildest dreams, the Elementors accept to help him.

Earth and his brothers head to Copper Canyon's beach, where Max and his team were hanging out. After Water causes a tsunami, the heroes take action and successfully stop it from reaching the city. The Elementors then reveals themselves and engage in a battle against the Max and Team Turbo. In truth, they were distracting them while Terrorax infiltrated Team Turbo's base to recover the Terror Energy Generator. After doing so and blowing up their headquarters, Terrorax contacts the Elementors and reveals that he had obtained the package.

The Elementors head to the Pantheon, where they are charged with Terror Energy. Powered-up, Terrorax and his minions shout the legion's battle cry and state that they wouldn't fail this time. The Elementors later confront Team Turbo after they invade the Pantheon. During the fight, Earth and Water Elementor merge. However, they are later separated after Fire and Metal Elementor accidentally hits their energy core. The group is taken down by Team Turbo, but Metal Elementor refuses to be defeated. Using the power of Terror Energy, he permanently absorbs the Elementors onto his being to become a giant-sized armored monster. He is later killed in combat, however.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Linking Abilities: Like other Ultralinks, he is capable of bonding with objects or living beings to create a monster designed for mass destruction. In his case, Earth bonded with earthen materials.
    • Fusion: Earth can merge with his brothers to create new forms.
  • Superhuman Strength: He has vast strength, common for an Ultralink bonded with something.
  • Superhuman Durability: Like his brothers, he has extreme durability, and he can come back from a brutal fight a few days later good as new.
  • Geokinesis: Earth can manipulate earthen materials. He shows this ability in various ways, such as: levitating rocks from the ground and throwing them as projectiles, creating shields made out of large rocks to protect himself, punching the ground to create a shockwave in a specific direction, trapping someone in a "cocoon" made out of rocks and moving cliffs and mountains.
    • Regeneration: Earth can manipulate earthen materials and use them reconstitute a lost limb of his body, as exemplified in Come Together Part Two.
    • Earth Swimming/Drilling: Earth has the ability of drilling under the ground as a means of fast travel.
    • Vine Control: Earth has the ability of controlling vines, as seen in Split Decisions. He can launch them from the ground and use them ensnare his victims.
  • Unlimited Stamina: Like other bonded Ultralinks, Earth can fight for long periods of time without needing to rest. In Come Together Part Two for example, he was knocked down several times by Max in his Turbo Strength Mode, but quickly got up to fight him again.
  • Terror Energy Generation: After he was charged with Terror Energy, Earth started to generate this energy by himself. His physical capabilities are enhanced even more.


  • Club: In Turbo-Warriors, he got a giant club made out of rocks and Terror Energy.


  • Energy Core: Like other Ultralinks, Earth's weak spot is located on his his head, where his Ultralink shell/core is. If hit with enough strength, he will be temporarily neutralized.



Like Fire Elementor, Earth prefers to use brute force to solve things and rarely thinks before acting. During most of the time, he is the one responsible for starting an argument between his brothers. He is the least intelligent of his brothers, as exemplified in Split Decisions when Water called him an "imbecile" and he did not knew what the word meant.


  • (To Maxwell McGrath) "Too small, too weak, too bad!" — Come Together Part Two


Other Media[]

Bonus Clips[]

Graphic novels[]


  • Earth Elementor appears as an enemy in Max Steel A.P.P.
  • Earth Elementor appears as the boss of the third level, Copper Canyon Terrain, in Rise of Elementor.
  • Earth Elementor appears as an enemy in Turbo Takedown. He is the third Elementor to be fought by the player.
  • Earth Elementor is a playable character in the Turbo Battlers online game.


  • Earth Elementor received his first toy in the Latin American toy line in the form of Boulder Smash Elementor, released on the first half of 2013. The toy was later re-released worldwide under the name of Boulder Elementor for the Rise of Elementor subline.
  • Earth Elementor was included in a two pack named Max Steel Vs Earth Elementor, released in 2013 worldwide.
  • Earth Elementor gained a Turbo Battler in 2013.
  • A 6" Earth Elementor action figure was released in 2014 for an unnamed 6" subline.


Click here for images of Earth Elementor.
Earth Elementor's gallery can be seen here.


  • In The Legend of Ja'em Mk'rah, it is revealed that Earth Elementor's Ultralink is a red Stealth Ultralink.
  • As revealed in The Legend of Ja'em Mk'rah, Earth is the last survivor of his kind since the first Ultralink invasion, though this changed when Metal Elementor fused with newly linked Elementors to regain his Mega-Elementor form.
  • An Earth Elementor is shown fighting Ragnok at the beginning of Fugitive.



Characters in Max Steel
Team Turbo Maxwell McGrath and Steel (Max Steel) · Alejandro Villar · Rayne Martinez · C.Y.T.R.O.
N-Tek Alejandro Villar · Commander Forge Ferrus · C.Y.T.R.O. · Commander Parker · Furbo (Furbo's Clones) · Jefferson Smith · Jim McGrath · Katherine "Kat" Ryan · Maxwell McGrath · Molly McGrath · Professor Connors · Rayne Martinez · Roberto "Berto" Martinez · N-Tek Scientists · N-Tek Soldiers · Steel · T.J. · Ven-Ghan
Main Villains Makino · Miles Dread · Morphos · Professor Mortum · Dr. Prometheus Halifax/Terrorax · Extroyer · Toxzon and Fishy · The Elementors (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Ultimate and Mega) · Jason Naught · Evil Ultralinks
Makino's Ultralinks and Megalinks Makino · Avatak · Blast Link · Bone Links · Butch Link (Purple Tweezer Ultralink) · Centipede Links · Chomp Link · Drone Ultralinks · Elementors (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Ultimate, Mega, Earth and Air, Water and Fire, Firestorm Elementor, Metal and Fire and Earth and Water) · Earth Elementor (species) · Extroyer's Ultralink · Fighter Ultralinks · Forge Link (Unnamed Red Ultralink) · Gun Links · Kirby Link (Green Spiny Ultralink) · Lizard Links · Makino Elite Ultralinks · N-Tek Link · Plaztek · Prism Link · Raider Ultralinks · Reaper Links · Rock Links · Spiny Ultralinks · Stealth Ultralinks · Steel · Stinger Ultralinks · Sydney Link (Pink Stealth Ultralink) · Tank Links · Torbolt · Tweezer Ultralinks · X376 · Xenoshok · Zelak
The Nexus Lord Nexus · Cloaked figures · Elementors (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Metal and Fire and Earth and Water) · Nexus Agents · Terrorax · Team Terror (Monstro, Night Howl and Snare)
The The Black Star Council Ragnok (Ragnok's Guana) · Hooded Figure · Ven-Ghan
Other Villains Alien Scientist and assistant · Colonel Jasper F. Castle and his army · Dread Naughts · Vin and Dwayne · Goopanoids (Acid, Green Toxin, Nano, Radioactive and Toxic Bacteria)  · Human Morphos Hybrids · Makino's Clones · Morphos' Clones · Murakami · Robot Zombies · Sewer Monsters · Super Mud · The Ninjas · Toxic Animals · Thieves · Toxic Zombies · Turbofied Dread Naughts
Copper Canyon High School Butch · Copper Canyon High School Coach · Dean · Dr. Thornhill · Jake · Kirby Kowalski · Maxwell McGrath · Sydney Gardner
Others Axel · Commander Kilgore and his army · Copper Canyon Mayor · Copper Squatch · Donnie · Georgina Romero · Hero-Man (Cobrassaurus and Laser-Lass) · Hot Dog Vendor · Jimmy Blaze · Klean Kal · Lewis · Mama Moco · Martin · Max's Old Neighbors · Mortum's nephew · Mr. Jones · THI Workers · Takion Soldiers · The Vendor · Troy's Pet Tiger · Truck Driver · Ty Dimples · Unnamed Blonde Woman
Season 1 Characters
N-Tek Maxwell McGrath · Steel · Commander Forge Ferrus · Molly McGrath · Roberto Martinez (C.Y.T.R.O.) · Jefferson Smith · Jim McGrath · Katherine Ryan · Commander Parker · N-Tek Agents · N-Tek Soldiers · N-Tek Scientists
Villains Miles Dread · Jason Naught · Dread Naughts · Extroyer (Extroyer's Ultralink) · Toxzon · Fishy · Goopanoids (Green Toxin, Acid, Toxic Bacteria and Radioactive) · The Elementors (Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Ultimate) · Axel · Centipede Links · Colonel Jasper F. Castle · Colonel Castle's Army · Dwayne · Gun Links · Murakami · Sewer Monsters · Tank Links · The Ninjas · Thieves · Vin
Copper Canyon High School Butch · Dean · Dr. Thornhill · Jake · Kirby Kowalski · Sydney Gardner
Others Cobrassaurus · Hero-Man · Klean Kal ·  · Laser-Lass · Lewis · Martin · Max's old neighbors · Mr. Jones · The Vendor · THI Workers · Toxic Piranhas · Toxic Zombies · Troy's Pet Tiger
Season 2 Characters
N-Tek Maxwell McGrath · Steel · Commander Forge Ferrus · Molly McGrath · Roberto Martinez (C.Y.T.R.O.) · Jefferson Smith · Jim McGrath · Katherine Ryan · Commander Parker · Furbo and clones · T.J. · N-Tek Agents · N-Tek Soldiers · N-Tek Scientists
Villains Miles Dread · Jason Naught · Dread Naughts · Extroyer (Extroyer's Ultralink) · Toxzon · Fishy · Goopanoids (Nano Goopanoids) · Dwayne · Vin · Thieves
Makino and Evil Ultralinks Makino · Metal Elementor (Mega-Elementor · Ultimate Elementor (Fire Elementor, Earth Elementor, Water Elementor and Air Elementor) · Blast Link · Chomp Link · Prism Link · Avatak · Bone Links · Butch Link (Purple Tweezer Ultralink · Centipede Links · Earth Elementors · Forge Link (Unnamed Red Ultralink · Gun Links · Kirby Link (Green Spiny Ultralink · Lizard Links · N-Tek Link · Plaztek · Reaper Links · Rock Links · Sydney Link (Pink Stealth Ultralink) · Tank Links · X376 · Xenoshok
The Black Star Council Ragnok (Ragnok's Guana) · Hooded Figure · Ven-Ghan
Copper Canyon High School Butch · Copper Canyon High School Coach · Dean · Dr. Thornhill · Jake · Kirby Kowalski · Sydney Gardner
Others Axel · Copper Squatch · Jimmy Blaze · Klean Kal · Lewis · Mama Moco · Martin · Mr. Jones · Takion Soldiers · The Vendor · Torbolt
Ultralinks and Megalinks in Max Steel
Drone Ultralinks Gun Links · Lizard Links
Fighter Ultralinks Bone Links · Blue Reaper Link
Makino Elite Ultralinks Prism Link · Xenoshok
Spiny Ultralinks Green Spiny Ultralink (Kirby Link)
Stealth Ultralinks Avatak · Blast Link · Earth Elementor (species) · N-Tek Link · Pink Stealth Ultralink (Sydney Link) · Plaztek · Purple Reaper Link · Tank Links
Stinger Ultralinks Chomp Link · Rock Links
Tweezer Ultralinks Purple Tweezer Ultralink (Butch Link)
The Elementors Air Elementor · Earth Elementor (species) · Fire Elementor · Water Elementor · Earth and Air Elementor · Earth and Water Elementor · Fire and Metal Elementor · Firestorm Elementor · Water and Fire Elementor · Ultimate Elementor · Mega-Elementor
Other Ultralinks Centipede Links · Extroyer's Ultralink · Makino · Raider Ultralinks · Steel · Torbolt · Unnamed Red Ultralink (Forge Link) · X376
Megalinks Metallak/Metal Elementor (Mega-Elementor) · Zelak · Fire and Metal Elementor