Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki
Max Steel Reboot Wiki

Ape Extroyer is an action figure based on Extroyer's gorilla/ape form. It was released on the first half of 2016 under the Team Turbo subline.


"La Fiera uses his animal instincts and his powerful fists to fight against Extroyer while he transforms into a horriyng gorilla!"


Extroyer has a light tone of grey for his skin, possessing white eyes and yellow teeth. He wears dark purple armor that covers his torso, right arm and right leg. His left arm has a pair of crystals protuding from it and a giant, purple fist with crystals protuding from his forearms. His left leg as a hairy aspect and he has the same feet as that of a gorilla. He has ten points of articulation.

By moving his arm backwards, his face switches to that of a gorilla, possessing a dark grey color for his face, light purple eyes and white teeth. His feet are also articulated so he can position himself like an actual gorilla.


  • The figure has a similar appearance and gimmick compared to Mutant Beast Extroyer from the 2014 toy line.
  • Extroyer's gorilla form was also featured in the classic toy line, albeit as a battle pack featuring the villain and Max.
  • Max_Steel_Spring_2016_"Hammer_Claw_Max_vs_Ape_Extroyer"

    Max Steel Spring 2016 "Hammer Claw Max vs Ape Extroyer"

    A TV spot for Ape Extroyer and Turbo Hammer Claw Max Steel was released in 2016. It was seemingly inspired by a scene from Team Turbo, in which Max uses Turbo Hammer Claw Mode to take down various Extroyer clones.



2016 Max Steel Toys
Team Turbo Ape Extroyer · Base Mode La Fiera · Blaster Max Steel · Copter C.Y.T.R.O. · Firestorm Elementor · Flight Max Steel · Max Steel and Motorcycle C.Y.T.R.O. · Strength Reveal Max Steel · Toxzoid Launch Toxzon · Turbo Hammer Claw Max Steel · Turbo Prime Max Steel · Turbo Tiger La Fiera · Turbo Transformation Max Steel · Vertical Lift Off Max Steel
Team Turbo Fusion-Tek Death Trap Mortum · Eagle La Fiera · Eagle La Fiera, Max Steel and C.Y.T.R.O. Vs Toxzon · Max Steel Turbo Sword · Mega Max Steel · Turbo Charged Max Steel · Turbo Hunter Max Steel · Turbo Max Steel · Ultimate Mortum · Zombie Hunter Max Steel
Connect-Tek Chemical Counter Max Steel · Copter C.Y.T.R.O. · Death Trap Mortum · Desert Attack Max Steel · Dragon Fly Max Steel · Eagle La Fiera · Eagle La Fiera, Max Steel and C.Y.T.R.O. Vs Toxzon · Fire Wing Dread · Flight Max Steel · Grapple Shot Max Steel · Hovercraft Max Steel · Mantis Extroyer · Mega Max Steel · Mega Morphos · Ninja Max Steel · Roller Blades Max Steel · Samurai Max Steel Vs Saber Dread · Skate & Blast Max Steel · Torpedo Max Steel · Transformable Bike Max Steel · Turbo Charged Max Steel ·Turbo Hunter Max Steel · Turbo Max Steel · Turbo Strike Max Steel · Turbo Tiger La Fiera · Urban Attack Max Steel · Vertical Lift Off Max Steel · Zombie Hunter Max Steel
Others/Classic Chemical Counter Max Steel · Desert Attack Max Steel · Dragon Fly Max Steel · Fire Wing Dread · Grapple Shot Max Steel · Jungle Max Steel · Mantis Extroyer · Marine Rock Elementor · Mega Morphos · Ninja Max Steel · Samurai Max Steel Vs Saber Dread · Skate & Blast Max Steel · Spy Attack Max Steel · Sword Dread · Torpedo Max Steel · Transformable Bike Max Steel · Tank Makino · Turbo Aqua Max Steel · Urban Attack Max Steel